It's the RIGHT hand holding the camera. Try it yourself (it's pretty tricky). I did and it came out just like this, minus the horns, curves, breast, vulva, black eyes, and hair. And I was wearing clothes.As mentioned earlier She's using a mirror.
To further explain:
1: The left hand holding the camera reflected in the mirror
2: the right hand reflected in the mirror to censor the boobs
3: This is an art derp but this is the right hand in front of the mirror but still in the viewport of the camera so it censors the pussy from the cameras perspective. Should come in from the right, but that can be easily explain as an art derp.
Mirrors are deceptively difficult to visualize since three dimensions and POV are involved. Many people think they flip an image horizontally because their reflected right hand is where someone they were facing's left hand would be, but if that were true then why would it not also flip vertically and be upside down? It's because what you're seeing in the mirror is transformed through the plane of the mirror. Your nose appears to be as far behind the mirror as it actually is in front of the mirror, along with any other features such as your hands.
In two dimensions a reflection is on a line and in three dimensions a reflection is on a plane.