God, it was all obvious from miles away, yet people insisted that it's going to be different. The reason it was axed is because it failed to become good and popular in 50 chapters, 50 weeks, mind you, almost a year of publication. And no surprise here, when it was basically a drawing of anime, with just a few different things. Actually, the only selling point of this was ecchi, since Yabuki, but even this was over after like 15 chapters.
As a matter of fact, what the Japanese and those knowledgeable in the industry expected from this manga was a much bigger role for Klaxohime, since she was a really popular and important charter that didn't have basically any role and screen time whatsoever. And that was the only thing the authors needed to do for this series to become a success: just much more Klaxohime. But for some weird reason Yabuki (or Code: 000, who knows) failed completely at that. They could've at least include some ecchi parts with her. That's what fans wanted. The story was originally quite weak. Might've just make it some mindless ecchi. The only thing the artist was actually really good at.
I guess people that are shocked and saddened are the same ones who praised the original anime comparing it to--just wait for it!--Evangelion. God some people.