In the note at the end of chapter 22, I said that at the (then) current pace, it'd take around 6 months for the series to end. However, these last couple months have been shorter (26 and 19 pages respectively, versus the consistent 29-32 of prior months). If that keeps up, it could squeeze an extra month or two out of the series. Or the final month(s) may just be extra long. Who knows.
Little other things of note:
-The manga pictured in the visualization of the net cafe are Kuroha's 4 previous manga.
-(Shown clearer by Kuroha on twitter) The manga Mimiel is reading later in the chapter is
Tenshi nanka ja nai. Notable to me because apparently the male romantic interest in that manga is named Sudou. Not written the exact same, but I guess that may be where Ren's name comes from.