Daybreaking Romance - Ch. 10

Jul 10, 2020
@FredFriendly Yo dude, calm down. First of all I wasn't speaking for them but myself because I was a little bothered by your comment too.

I started reading this series yesterday and am absolutely loving the story and have read your comments on the previous chapters too. Firstly, I don't think it's ever mentioned hyoshin is a lesbian so when I read your comment I was like ??? And I thought it was rude

Also secondly how is the story going downhill?? It's only the 10th chapter.. There are stories in which couples get together at the 60th chp or something smh..we know who the leads and ofc they'll get together..if everything that happened that night was to be said in one chapter it might as well be a oneshot y'know, the suspense is what keeps the readers going and every story has villains esp korean webtoons, I don't see a problem with that (aside from how shitty the sunbae is).

Oh edit: I didn't see the other part of your comment, it's a good thing bc she's annoyed at how foolish saebyeok is being because my instinct says they decided to date that day but he doesn't remember

Anyway phew that was a long ass comment, hope you have a nice day :)

@Steph1016 I was only stating my opinion no need to thank me ^^
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Firstly, I don't think it's ever mentioned hyoshin is a lesbian so when I read your comment I was like ???

First off, thank you for actually engaging in an intelligent conversation with me, unlike @Steph1016 as well as other posters who only know how to throw juvenile insults at me.

Do characters have to wear signs that say, "I am a lesbian" or "I am a sleazy douchebag" or "I am a motherfucking bully" for us to recognize them for what they are? Whether or not Hyoshin is actually a lesbian (in or out of the closet), it is the trope I object to, and she clearly fits. She certainly has the "Keep your fucking hands of my girl friend or I'll fucking kill you" attitude even without a sign hung around her neck proclaiming such. It's such an easy-to-use, clichéd storytelling technique that lacks imagination on the part of the author. This is what I object to regarding Hyoshin, and not in just this series as I have expressed the same sentiment recently in comments sections of other series.

Also secondly how is the story going downhill?? It's only the 10th chapter...

Do you enjoy the series as much as you did when it first started? Do you like it even more now since it involves repeated bullying by an obnoxious asshole? With each new scene involving the douchebag sunbae bullying Saebyeok, I become more irritated with the storyline which, in turn, causes my enjoyment of the series to drop, thus my comment that the story is going downhill. If, by chance or luck or the intervention of manhwa gods, the douchebag sunbae gets what he deserves (though highly doubtful since it barely ever happens in these types of series), my appreciation and enjoyment of the series will likely make a full recovery in that respect. One could say that it's my own fault for reading this to begin with since it is Korean and there is hardly a Korean series involving school life that does not include bullying of some sort or another. If "bullying" had been a category listed on mangaupdates when I first looked up the series, I would most likely not have started to read it (I added "bullying" to mangaupdates myself).

There are stories in which couples get together at the 60th chp or something smh..

Hahaha! I'm reading a Chinese story involving high school students where the raws are up to chapter 138 and the main characters, who are obviously enamored with each other, are still too shy to confess their feelings to each other. That story, too, started going downhill when the male lead's male friend suddenly appeared out of the woodwork and subsequently fell for the female lead and has since been trying to interfere in their relationship. Another easy-to-use, clichéd trope that I find extremely irritating.
Group Leader
Apr 15, 2019
Bruh, If you're not enjoying the series then stop reading it, rather then writing ur complaints on every chapter. It's not that hard.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Bruh, If you're not enjoying the series then stop reading it, rather then writing ur complaints on every chapter. It's not that hard.

Who the hell are you for deciding whether or not I enjoy something or whether or not I should write comments or whether or not I should stop reading a series. Is it that hard for you to mind your own business? You steal the work of authors and then act like it's your own creation and have the right to police the comment section.

And, like I said before, I already have a mother so I don't need you or anyone else to tell me what I should or should not do. Instead, how about engaging in an intelligent conversation instead of rudely telling me to stop reading the series.


Jan 23, 2018

Fred is one of those people who bitches and moans and gets really butthurt when it's not pure fluff.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Someone give me spoilers bc I'm confused af lolol

A very brief spoiler of the essentials from chapter 11 (don't read if you don't want to know):
Hyoshin does not give Saebyeok a conclusive answer to his question but does tell him to fuck off and not speak to her.

Later, at home in his sister's room, Saebyeok is crying that he just doesn't know what's going on. Eventually, the two of them go to a restaurant where they happen to meet Ollae, Hyoshin and Gwangchae. Saebyeok is extremely uncomfortable, especially with the glares he gets from Hyoshin.

After they eat, when Gwangchae is the first one to get up to leave, Saebyeok says he'll walk her to the station. She tells him not to, but he says he wants to go to the convenience store.

Right before they leave together, Saebyeok's sister unleashes a bomb by asking, "Are you two dating?" Before he answers, he hears Hyoshin's heavy sigh. He then goes into flashback mode and remembers a few incidents that lead him to believe that they are not dating, in particular the scene in chapter 2 where Gwangchae said "No thanks" to the waiter's couple's offer.

Saebyeok then says, "Gwangchae and I, we're just friendly. So don't talk about it. It's hard for Gwangchae." They leave and Gwangchae seems unaffected by his answer and talks about the meal but Saebyeok wonders if he got it wrong. They part at the entrance to the station.
Jan 26, 2018
I've found it's best to just block those who are constantly negative and inflammatory :) makes it so much easier to enjoy the story and the comments actually discussing the plot and appreciating the work.

I definitely feel like he asked her out and Gwangchae's reaction was "?? wdym? I'm dating him so of course I like him" so the friend got mad that Saebyeok wasted her time.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2018
"It's okay to kick him in the balls AT LEAST once" ....Gosh, I love this girl<33 XDD Hhahaahahaha

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