Daybreaking Romance - Ch. 5

Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Ugh! I don't think I'll be able to hang in there with this comic if the mystery of what Saebyeok did that night goes on and on and on for 30, 40, 50 or even 100 chapters (or more). The concept was cute for the first couple chapters, but it'll become very tedious if every chapter becomes a repeat of him wondering what he said to Gwangchae that fateful night, wondering why she still hangs out with him, and they make no progress in their relationship with her acting if she is just tolerating his friendship (or using it to her advantage). Since this is supposedly a romance, and Korean at that, no doubt there will be at least one 3rd wheel who shows up to create misunderstandings. Ugh! My head hurts just thinking about it. What's worse is that this is starting to remind me of Love in Spring (in more ways than one), the female lead of which I ended up detesting by the end of the series.
Apr 14, 2020
@FredFriendly I personally really like this series, just thought of replying to your comment first of all lowkey the whole purpose of this
plot is to find out what he did that day otherwise it wouldn't be in the summary ^^; and no, of course their relationship will progress (in fact it might already have since that day who knows~) as for the 3rd wheel part, I think there has to be some sort of antagonist for the story to move forward haha. I hope you don't drop it, because i believe it will just get better and 5 chapters are probably too early to judge ^^!
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@karnedgy I am probably jaded from being disappointed by reading too many series where it isn't until the last chapter of many that the main characters actually become a couple (or not even). If it takes until the very last chapter of 50 chapters or more for Saebyeok to find out that he is, and has been since that night, Gwangchae's boyfriend, this will likely be one long, dull, boring and stupid story, but also very frustrating to read if every chapter repeats the "what did I say" motif. As for 3rd wheels, I detest them and personally wish that authors would rather be imaginative, plot-wise, instead of relying on the well-worn, clichéd storytelling of having rivals show up oughta nowhere. I've already looked at chapter 6 and have mixed feelings about certain elements that have been introduced into the story, but I'll wait for an actual translation (since I can't read Korean and don't feel like laboriously using online translators to decipher the whole chapter, although I did for the last few panels) before knowing for sure what direction the story is headed, if possible. Anyhow, thanks for the reply.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
i feel ya, but hang on there for a while longer bud. What do you reckon happens in the last panels of Ch 6?

I haven't given up yet (and probably won't, no matter how bad or good it gets since I like the art). As for the last few panels of chapter 6...
My crude attempt at translation: Gwangchae asks Saebyeok if he wants to go to her place to pick up a book he needs.
Apr 18, 2019
He had super skinny jeans or stick legs on page 9 lol.

When they were observed from afar
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
Ya know, I never thought I'd say this, but for this guy to move forward it would really help to get him drunk a couple more times. I think he's normally "knurd"--in a state where, relative to normal people, he's at some negative number of drinks. Get a couple drinks into him and he'd be up to zero drinks and be able to act like a normal person. (Thank you for the concept of "knurd" Terry Pratchett, wherever you are)
May 1, 2020
Wow I’m so curious what does she think about him??????? And what exactly did he say when he was drunk omg
Sep 30, 2019
i love how, so far, the story is focused on the 2 ml finding love for each other
no rivals trying to incite jealousy or create misunderstandings
just supportive friends

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