Dazzling Prince! - Vol. 2 Ch. 6

Fed-Kun's army
Aug 3, 2019
This guy can record soul binding contacts that would make a devil proud...
Active member
Jun 7, 2019
Guren's skill in debate and contract making make him such a high tier scoundrel. I know Rina is in a pitiful position (in her POV) but I'm certainly entertained. Kinda disappointed with that just kidding Prince
Active member
Oct 27, 2019
I dont see how the prince can make her like him especially when he and his demon assistant treats her like that (aka giving a lot of extra secretarial work when she’s in maid mode.... isnt she just supposed to stay by his side as a threat detector?). Plus he didnt even defend her or anything and just made her accept her contract? He’s the prince. He can probably overrule a freaking contract. I dont get why he has such a radiant aura if that’s what he’s like x.x more like its so radiantly bright from the fires of hell.

But i guess her not reciprocating (at the moment) is karma enough. Too bad she will probably fall fir him at the end huhu

Thanks for the chapter!
Double-page supporter
Jun 30, 2018
Uhhh so basically she's trapped in this awful contract and as her boss / someone above her in status the prince has the nerve to romantically pursue her but in a very roundabout way saying shit like "please be my bride" and then "haha just kidding" so then he can avoid rejection while also slowly getting her to think of him in a romantic way and be more conscious of him as a man. Ight.
Active member
Dec 6, 2018
So... Gotta say, I'm very disappointed in the prince here. I get that the MC should have read her contract before signing it, but it's clear he likes her and yet despite seeing her suffering, taken advantage of, putting her life on the line, and with no form of recourse he basically says, "Too bad. Well at least I get to spend more time with you so this works out for me!" Like I get this needed to happen to help force the MC to stay in this situation due to her personality and she was in character, but if you want me to believe this Prince has a "Dazzling" aura, I need him to at least fucking reprimand the guy for taking advantage of the girl he likes to this extent. Yet all that he does in this situation is blame her for the mistakes she made and basically convinces her to basically just deal with her life being sold away like this.

It leaves me frustrated that the manga is just going to brush over this and have her develop feelings for him when he isn't really helping her out, the story already went out of it's way to make the contract something she couldn't get out of, and the guy already knows the Princes personality, it's easy enough to make it so that the the guy went over the Princes head and make it so that only the king could get her out of this contract.
Active member
Jun 1, 2019
The assistant and the Prince is pissing me off here. Hello, you're the one who NEED her. Can't you guys at the very least have BASIC DECENCY to not trap her with ridiculous contract?! Also, Prince, if you really like Rina, can't you at least reprimand your assistant?! you already owe your life to her, and this is how you repay it?! Ahhhhh this chapter is seriously pissing me off.
Active member
May 4, 2018
The contract was just full of malice. I am disappointed in both the prince and the assistant's blackmail and their reaction to it being trivial. Were contracts really absolute in medieval ages where there weren't laws regulating them? This chapter alone had given me thoughts of outright dropping this. I'm still hoping for redemption chapters but it has to be really good for me tp forgive those two...
Jul 22, 2019
the assistant is really getting on my nerves with how they did the contract. The prince isn’t entirely blameless too since they didn’t seem that remorseful about it or try to help her. All she did was actually HELP him from being assassinated (which brought this mess in the first place) and instead of being grateful, they’re forcing her against her will in a contract which in no way actually benefits her. I wish they’ve gone through a different route even if the safety of the prince is important and all, she doesn’t deserve to be treated this way even more considering she IS a princess candidate.
Apr 24, 2020
It always annoys me in these types of stories were the MC is blackmailed, controlled, or almost killed and all the supporting characters are like I don't know why you're reacting so badly
Aug 12, 2018
What a crappy romance. How is she even moved by any of this when they're just selfishly disregarding her opinions and feelings and just taking full advantage of her. Should have just let his glittering ass die when she had the chance. She would have been free and sent home already.
Apr 30, 2019
im really glad im not the only one that was annoyed with how that went LOL. i mean shoujo manga does have a lot of issues with consent usually but the "stuck here against her will" is played so clearly against rina in all ways. rina clearly doesn't care about him (ignoring that last part in the chapter b/c it felt less like rina actually developing feelings and more like the author rushing to try and be like "but look she's soft on him and he has a sensitive side so everything that happened before is totally ok :)" stfu)

like. insofar as the author giving the heroine an "she doesn't want to do it but has to" excuse to stay, it's effective? but like a lot of other ppl have said, the prince's.... reaction, overall personality, and brushing off the issue here is disappointing and entirely sketchy. so sorry author (not) for not finding the fact that rina has no say in anything (AND gets treated as a useful maid) romantic.
Active member
Apr 22, 2019
Ah, the devil assistant strikes again!
I don't think Prince can do much- even if could, he just wants her to stay there so...
Thank you for the lovely scanlations as always <3
Jan 19, 2018
That whole contract was predatory and left me feeling completely icky. I bet it'll end up that the Prince wanted her to stay by any means necessary and thus had that contract drawn up where they basically own her. And it'll be considered ~ so romantic ~

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