Dazzlingly Bright - Ch. 20

Dex-chan lover
Nov 12, 2018
Oh.... He's so cute tho... Boy.. First love... Nooo
I ship her with the younger boy
Many thanks
Fed-Kun's army
May 23, 2020
I really need to start looking for drama tags on romance stories. This is korean isn't it haha high quality storytelling but equally high levels of emotional pain. I'll check back to see if it has a happy ending in a couple years when all the crying's over.
Younger boy deserves the win from what I can see, but does the girl deserve him?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@StaK Are you kidding? By Korean standards a little sees-the-girl-with-some-guy misunderstanding is nothing. This is still well inside the fluff range for this sort of toon.
Fed-Kun's army
May 23, 2020
Ah but @Purplelibraryguy I've just read the raws through the chapters in the early 40s and so far its going the worst way I couldve anticipated, with painful amounts of heartbreak

No more chapters are out yet but I dont think I can read more until the story ends and I know its safe;
'cause even just reading that far hurt my heart.

She rejects the younger man while she cries and says sorry (since she clearly loves the younger more) to choose the older man right in front of him. Then several years pass (or at least enough time for her hair to get long and for the Young MC to mature) and she's dating the older guy pretty seriously - while hallucinating about the younger guy cause he's the one she should be with, but she doesn't realise it. Last chapter had any progress she'd made towards realizing she should go be with the Young MC wiped away by the older man kissing her. Also they're (FMC and older guy) wearing matching rings, but on their right hands so maybe not marriage I hope. Anyway it's the opposite of what I'd wish for and I fear this will never end the right way. I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed and check back in a year or two.

The panel of her saying sorry while crying and making the saddest most heartbreaking smile while she lets the Young MC's fingers slip off of her hands and turns away... was gutwrenching. Unless this ends with her and the Young MC having a happily ever after, then it's only safe to read if you're an emotional masochist.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@StaK Oh, sonuvabitch. Now I see where you're coming from. This is why fundamentally I like Japanese stuff better. Yeah, I'm out.
Dec 15, 2019
Noooo, what a cliff hanger 😱

I looked at the raws until the latest chapter (42) and the older guy talks to this "Jessica" person on the phone while he's watching FL's apartment from his car after he dropped her off for the night. I hope he's not cheating... I really wish she chose the younger guy from the start. FL and ML were clearly sad and wanted to be together (to the point of crying) but it baffles me that she still chose the older guy???
Jun 14, 2020
@StaK That's pretty masochistic indeed, both for readers and for her. Does she have a solid reason to do so, like thinking he has a girlfriend or something?
Either way, I feel sorry for him. I would really have no qualms if he found someone else and be happy. Let's be real, she is not great from any point of view you might want to look at, while he always catches the eyes of women. The only things she had going for are the circumstances of their meeting, which she should have leveraged a lot....
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 11, 2019
@StaK Thanks for the spoilers.
Reading that makes me feel bad for both younger boy and the poor sunbae she dated. What the hell.
Mar 9, 2020
I very rarely ship a younger guy with an older girl. This is the second time I'm doing it because of how he genuinely shows affection towards MC, I hope this doesn't sink mmgh :(
But I'm also fine with her being with older guy, only if he doesn't turn out to be some douche.
Jul 16, 2019
Fed-Kun's army
May 23, 2020
@Nixnaw Naw dont feel bad for the older guy he's been getting sketchy as fuck recently -->
in the latest chapter where he kissed the girl and made her stop thinking about the younger guy he then sits in his car and has a very dubious phone call with a woman while he stares creepily in the dark
like @ichigodream said. Though Ichigo,
I hope the older guy IS cheating because then he can be revealed as the bad guy and she can realise her mistake and seek out the young guy.

@Leonhart93 Naw, Im pretty sure her reasoning is just that generic dumb bullshit you see all the time in stories like this: about him being younger and her thinking he'll outgrow his love for her or some nonsense; Or maybe she really is just an idiot and actually thinks that slick older guy is the better choice even though he didn't have that genuine connection with her, that her and the younger guy had.
Also the young guy seems to have gotten to be even more of a natural ladykiller after some time passed and hes matured - maybe the girl will regret her mistake... I hope.

@Mikasa2077 can't be sure yet but based off of some hints and the way he acted like a jerk to the young guy Im gonna say the older guy will likely reveal himself to be a total douche before the end.
Fed-Kun's army
May 23, 2020
Its some incredibly high quality story telling and I want it to be translated and popular through to the end, but I cant take the emotional pain of getting invested in these characters and then seeing such a great love story fucked up by some jackass older guy for no good reason.

So if at the end the girl ends up happy with the Young Guy then this is a great story; But if things just go down the wrong path - as they appear to be doing in the latest raw chapters - and it ends in any way other than that (girl + young guy) then its only good for people who want to feel like shit. It all depends on the ending... which wont appear for years... Damnit lol
Double-page supporter
Jan 27, 2018
And the annoying part started..... I have to say, i really love Horimiya.... ;/

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