Dedicated mini group for Song of the Long March author's new series!

Group Leader
Dec 11, 2018
Another Chinese translator and I would love to pick up Xia Da's new work, Song of the Sky Pacers! We've already begun translations, but since we are two doofs who only have language skills and a passion for XiaDa's work, we're looking for a proofreader, redrawer, and typesetter who'd be willing to work with us.

Regardless of whether or not we get able-bodied people for each role, we're still going to try to make some releases (I can't guarantee anything other than language quality... we are truly helpless LOL). If you're interested, please reply below!

Thank you \( ' v ' )/
Group Leader
Dec 11, 2018
update: the scans group I'm in is picking it up as a side project (hooray!!), but I still welcome anyone who wants to come help work on this series!

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