@3ngy IDK i translate them one page at a time and those TN are just my thoughts after finishing a page, as for holes i know there are some spelling mistakes like at least one or two in a single page and some awkward words which doesn't make sense at all but as long they are understandable i don't change them, my affinity license is expired and it's my first time working with gimp so doing the spellings like right before uploading is a pain, well it mostly happens when i am sleepy just like right now and there will be spelling mistakes in the chapter i just uploaded. Okay, so the question is why i am sleepy well i am out of my anti-histamines and have like 2 remaining from my emergency hidden stack. I hope you understand my situation if someone can help me set up a discord it will be little easier to have a proofreader to identify the mistakes and highlight them so i can fix them before uploading, and yeah when i am sleepy i tend to type more then required so, sorry.