The cover...
We already knew the childhood friend was a babe.
Fan service received.
Page eleven.
So, all of that was instinct?
No comprehension of what that character was capable of?
I have a quote appropriate for that: "I hate naturals."
Looks like Sakuraba was correct in spotting potential.
And in wanting to see what it could be developed into.
Page twelve.
Sakuraba wants a challenge.
He doesn't want to curb stomp someone, he wants to have the fight of his life.
Battle junkies.
Battle junkies who seek out those with potential, so they can be raised to their level so that they can have a fun fight.
The very antithesis of a bully... although it may not seem that way during the initial period, when not allowing the trainee the option of opting out.
Chapter finished.
He's right, about the difference between online play at a distance and playing against your opponent on the same machine.
Lag is real.
For me, it wouldn't matter; I'd die no matter what.
But, if you are near the top of the field... it's very significant.
If you aren't used to lag, it will have a very negative impact on your performance.
I suspect that people used to dealing with lag have equivalent problems when playing in a lagless environment, in that their timing will be off.
Someone capable of switching between the two environments and still being competitive... would really be something else indeed.
Because, really, lag and lagless are two different games, when it comes to your reflexes and timing.
Yet, all the commands and settings are identical.
So, somehow, you have to be able to set an internal switch before you begin play that determines which set of reflexes are engaged, and not have to consciously think about that after you begin play.
At least, that's my guess.
I avoid real time games like the plague, as my reflexes are horrible.
(There was a time my reflexes weren't anywhere near so bad; I did have the high score on a couple of games at the local arcade... back in the early 1980s. All solo play games, however.)
I enjoy watching others play them.
Back in the day, I'd hang out at arcades and pay for others to play, just so I could watch.
So I can understand the attraction of eSports.