Desuraba - Vol. 1 Ch. 9 - Trap vs. Erection

Dex-chan lover
May 11, 2019
Hmm one of them sounds like a chad, the one who realized the trap.
Power Uploader
Jan 17, 2018
You should improve on your releases before begging for money.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2019
@rhino36 I mean this is pretty much how all you people start groups these days, open a patreon/beg for money while begging people to do work for yall.
Group Leader
Dec 12, 2019
@DirkHardpeck I think u are misunderstanding something m8. For the last 2 chapters i did the cleaning, translating, font typing and i got the raws myself. The reason why i am asking for cleaner/redrawer right now is only because i suck at it, and i don't even have the funds to get myself photoshop so i use The reason i need Japanese Tl is so that i can pick up other mangas and grow my group. If you guys are okay with waiting 2 weeks for a chapter i will gladly take my time with this one and pick up other mangas that i am thinking of. Lastly i am planning on opening a Ad-Free manga website that i upload my groups works, and asking for donations to do that you are saying that i am begging for money? If u think u can do 23 pages of Translating, cleaning, and font typing in less than 5 days like i do i would be glad to give you the ownership of my group. I am trying to entertain you guys here with providing you guys a free translation of a good manga that i personally love, and you guys are yet talking shit about me and my group. I have school and i am still doing all this shit for u guys, and finally asking for $1 from only couple of you so i can grow my group that i spent a lot of time, and effort. If you don't like u can so drop out of reading this serie, and you know i can just stop uploading. So i would like you to stop talking shit about my grouo while im doing all this shit for you guys. Hope you understand.
Aggregator gang
Mar 5, 2018
the big guy reminds me of Andre from prison school
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2019
@mrogz all I'm saying is that there's groups that beg for more people so they can... not particularly improve their quality or upload rates. Instead they want to cash in by picking up a ton of titles that they half-ass.

I, for one, don't particularly care what you do or why. It's just funny to me. Good luck with the group though.
Group Leader
Dec 12, 2019
@DirkHardpeck I understand that some of the groups are doing that and you guys are aware, however you can't just go around and call any group who is in need of funds "Begging for Money" and "Begging other people to work for them". As i can see that forget about owning a group you don't even have any experience being in a group. All you do is read some stuff for free here on mangadex, so i think it will be better if you just stick to reading and let other experienced people comment about my group. This is the 2nd chapter we uploaded as a group and i know we need some improvement. That's why i'm looking for staff and asking for funds here. If i were to talk as @MrOGZ only and not @MrOGZ The group leader, i would react to your comments different and way harsh. So basically u are nothing but a freeloader here on and u have no rights to complain about my fucking work that i spent 4 days on non-stop and keep talking shit about my group. Thank you for understanding and hope you don't comment anymore.
Group Leader
Apr 9, 2018
another shameless beggar scanlator smh
try faking your mom's 15 years bed-ridden illness next time for sympathy point
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2019
@mrogz you really don't need to have a meltdown and start with the personal insults my mans. I thought the release itself was fine.
Group Leader
Dec 12, 2019
@Kanami-chan In case you don't believe me that i am opening my website and asking for funs for that, you can so join my discord and ask the guy himself. His name is @Masterbaker in my dc server. AND NOW SINCE ANOTHER GUY THATS CALLING ME A BEGGAR APPEARED OH BOY HERE I COME. Kanami-chan i can see that you are a full-fledged proud weeb as well as a group owner, where the group motto is WHERE GROUP QUALITY IS NOT GUARANTEED, as well as the most of the work u got uploaded are basically nothing but hentai with no plot. I agree that Desuraba is basically hentai too but atleast in 2nd volume shit is about to go down. AND U CALLING ME A BEGGAR? BITCH PLEASE. I never BEGGED nor FORCED to get money from you guys. I simply ask that i need couple bucks so i can host a website of my own. Btw something must be wrong with mangadex since i can't see a website nor a discord server link in YOUR GROUPS PROFILE. Although i appreciate you commenting here and making the comment count go up, i highly suggest u refrain from shit talking to other groups while u have a shitty year old group urself. This is a new group that i just opened to provide some fun for other people yet 3 people already called me a beggar. I might as well just stop uploading this shit so u guys can actually buy the real work, or read the Japanese. Oh boy sorry that i forgot that you shit talkers DONT EVEN KNOW JAPANESE.
I would ask you guys to please stop shit commenting my work, and just appreciate what you have. If you don't like it please politely tell me as i am the group leader, what mistakes do we have and how should we fix it. Im saying it one more time that this is a brand new group and we are not that experienced with this stuff. SO I BEG YOU FOR THIS. and not for MONEY, that just comment us where do we have any mistakes so we can just fix. Hope you guys understand
Power Uploader
Jan 17, 2018
You don't sound too fun to work with. I think you're into scanlation for the wrong reason.

I don't say this often, but quit while you're ahead.
Group Leader
Dec 12, 2019
@rhino36 I appreciate your feedback about me but however, i would like to ask you as a Group Leader to Group Leader, what did you do when you opened up your own group, and some people just came and shit talked about your work, your group, and yourself. This is my second chapter ever that i am uploading online, and i am doing my very best as the Only Tl, cleaner, and font typer in the group. All i did was ask
couple bucks from you guys so i can open up a website when i have enough funds, and upload some of my own work there, so people can read it free, and with no ADS, and here i see bunch of people calling me beggar, and shit talking about the group i just opened. I already have enough pressure on me because of the mistakes that i might not saw doing, and let them pass by which may affect my reputation, and all the other feedback about what should i do and not. Please try to put yourself in my place, and no i am not going to quit what i enjoy doing just because some people called me a beggar. Hope you understand as well.

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