In the anime episode which explained the events of the day when shinichi shrunk it showed Ran and Shinichi's day together and when she was buying a squirrel you or something I swear she had a flashback to her holding a squirrel. I'm sad now I really love the cases with Shinichi. Like I like him as conan as well but seeing him as shinichi is cool he doesn't need to give hints but he can freely solve cases. It also makes me sad to see how him and the people he left behind are affected by him shrinking. Shinichi has lost part of his life and is instead a child and trying to fight an organisation in order to change back; Ran has lost her childhood friend and one of the most important people in her life that she loves, but his parents are fine as they know his identity and he has made new friends along the way, like hattori. (Currently rereading whilst waiting for new chapter)