Detective Conan: Zero’s Tea Time

Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
im here for arai-frog in page 20's sidebar thank you very much amuro for being popular and helping people find out about his old works
Jan 28, 2018
Arai-sensei has done a great job matching the art of Detective Conan, but the difference in composition style is starting to trip me out....
May 13, 2018
scotch is dead because of this amuro . why would people are making like it's shuichi's fault? i don't find anything good in this bourbon man -_- how disgusting
Mar 24, 2018
I absolutely don't give a shit about detective Conan or Aoyamaverse (nor do i think their creator does). Arai Takahiro art on the other hand makes me super happy - i've been following guy's career since Arago serialization.
Jan 19, 2018
"I absolutely don't give a shit about detective Conan or Aoyamaverse (nor do i think their creator does)"

A very unfair statement considering that Gosho Aoyama involves himself more than most other creators in the creation of adaptations of his works, goes out of his way to honor his older series for anniversaries and continues to put in an enourmous amount of effort into the creation of the main manga, even through his age and some health struggles.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
i was about to beg for aoyama-sensei to let arai-sensei to draw an action scene
chapter 3 makes me happy even with the short scene

(it's SUPER unfair to say Aoyama-sensei doesn't care for his own work, he's an old man and honestly I'm happy he chose Arai-sensei to work on this spin-off, it's giving him the right exposure!)
Mar 24, 2018
Fair enough. I could've expressed myself better, because i'm not denying effort that he puts in what he's doing. But when push comes to shove, the thing that the guy cares most about is working (in literal sense). There's little to no progression in terms of changing the status quo or character development in his long running series (not when you consider the publication timespan, where those miniscule alterations can be attributed to aging), because that would mean coming closer to a conclusion, and that in turn would mean "no work in the future". As a western counterpart i offer you Mignola and his Hellboy universe. Is he dragging things out and milking the franchise? Sure. But along the way, stuff is happening, landscapes are changing, and characters are evolving or they die trying. Aoyama on the other hand, is interested, more or less, in doing the same thing over and over again*, at least from what i'm seeing. There may be set quality to that thing, but i wouldn't exactly call it "caring", not in a sense that i presented above.

That perspective of course, may be projecting on my part, because i don't have access to what's in Aoyama's head. It's just an impression that i got from reading his stuff (up to a point, i no longer do), but an impression that i do feel strongly about.

I hope that explains things to you both, and if not, i'm sorry. That's probably most clear i can be, given that writing this relatively short reply (combined with editing) took me about 20 minutes.

*Then again, he's putting out other stuff, so calling him dull or stagnant (as an artist) would be an overstatement. But we're talking about specific series here.
Jan 19, 2018
Well, considering that since 2014, there has been no case that hasn't be moving at least one subplot, that one romantic relationship made a big step forward, that the characters are moving in on the Nr. 2 of the BO and he revealed the identity of the BO Boss, which opens up the avenue for the final conflict once the Rum Arc has been dealt with, I'm not sure I agree about stuff not happening in Conan, and even before that, pure filler cases where nothing moved were the exception, not the rule.

Also, Aoyama has more than enough money to retire and also the Magic Kaito manga that he can work after Conan ends, though he already said that he probably won't live long enough to conclude the MK manga after concluding the DC manga, just because it takes so long. So I don't see that having no work in the future is a worry for him, either way.
Mar 24, 2018
So it didn't get through - and that was the clearest i coud get. If you want oversimplification, then so be it: i didn't say anything about the money being his goal (i specifically put an emphasis on "working" as in "something to do"). That's the first thing. Second - if you really think that you can argue progression about a series a) with pacing that goes on for almost 25 years with no visible end in sight (yeah, i'll believe when i see it) and b) another one that the author himself is speculating not being able to finish within his lifetime, then yeah, there's hardly any room for talk, because we're speaking different languages. Not to mention that originally you had a problem with "not giving a shit" part, which i'm pretty sure you misunderstood / i misrepresented (choose your own adventure), given what you wrote in the follow up.
Jan 22, 2018
I'm gonna be completely honest with my knowledge of Conan

1) Turned on Adult Swim when I was like 11, Saw the ending and beginning of two seperate episodes
2) The coming attraction for the following episode was a clue
3) I turned off my tv because I didn't get it.
4) There's a dude named Black Jack and a robot named Astro Boy
5) I saw a brief 1 minute summary on youtube and stopped at "why didn't they just shoot him?"

This is the extent of my information - do i need to know more about Case Closed to understand this?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
I was expecting something more exciting, this is really just slice-of-life basically, but hey, they can't really drop anything big plot-related in a spin-off after all, silly me, and this is still enjoyable nonetheless.

On a side note, the art throws you a bit off at first, especially if you look at the eyes, since they're drawn in such an unique way in the original manga, but you get used to it pretty quickly.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
This is an interesting spin-off as we get to see another character's everyday life.. We get to see his inner personality and more..
But the sad thing is we might not see the end of this as DC looks like its not gonna end either especially Magic Kaito...

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