it seems like you came from a site like batoto. i use batoto sometimes if i cant find a work i want to read here on mangadex. a lot of the works there seem to be porn manhwa like you're searching for. on a related note, most of the works tagged with josei and seinen on batoto are each porn marketed towards adult women and porn marketed towards adult men. if your only references for what josei and seinen are like are those kinds of works, then it would be hard to tell the difference. even if they are both porn, seinen and josei porn portray their sexual scenarios differently. if you're used to one over another, you might not like the way the other one does things.
also, im going to be miffy over semantics: seinen and josei include things besides porn, so its pretty confusing when you use those two terms to describe things that are mostly porn. the way you describe those genres also makes it seem like you think that they only include porn, which feels thoughtless.