Dimensional Mercenary - Vol. 1 Ch. 25

Nov 29, 2018
Did the MC seriously just drag his sister out of her workplace like he owned her? She's an adult, she can make her own life decisions. How about instead of making a scene and getting her fired you have a conversation like adults.

And somehow the rest of the comment section is calling the sister the bitch and not the MC, lol.
Jan 25, 2018
Pretty crazy seeing the "otaku" side of the fandom come out; where women are viewed as mere 2D props that should be able to read the protagonist's mind and be aware of everything the protag has done for her.

Stories need drama, but there's lazy writing and there's lazy.
Double-page supporter
Sep 26, 2018
He pimps out his soul
She pimps out her body

She should only be in trouble if she is underage anyway, it's her life to live and make mistakes in.
It's not like he was even going to tell the truth of what he has been doing.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
Wonders how many chapters it will be till the MC finds out about the karma plot
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 16, 2019

TL;DR: Jesus fucking christ only now I noticed how long my comment is...here is the summary: Both are in the wrong, but I do believe the MC has more justification in the way he acted, he just had a rough day learning about Yurival's life and that someone is toying with him.


Yeah, he is also stupid for just storming in, but we also have to put ourselves in his shoes:

1. He just got out of the mission, taking a look at both Yurival's repeating nightmare, and finally his dream come true.

2. Told by Ms. Bitch that the reason as to why his life and family has been met with misfortune after misfortune is because someone has been literally toying with his life.

3. And finally, after he can see the light the darkness, which is the money he is making to help his family and the opportunity to blow away the misfortune that has been plaguing his whole life, one of the people who ruined his life appeared out of nowhere in front of his house, and the cherry on top, this person told him he saw his sister working as a hostess (which in my personal opinion, is just at the end of the line reaching almost the job of a prostitute)

Of course he is going to be pissed.

Besides, saying "she is an adult, she can make her own life decisions" is just plain stupid, if life was that easy then no one would have to go through hardships...even grown ups can be more stupid than adolescents. Everyone, regardless of age, needs help in one way or the other....and even if at the end of the day the final decision is their own, that doesn't mean they can't take advice from others.

She just decided to start working as a hostess without even consulting about it with others. Well, is a job that you wouldn't really like to discuss about because of embarrassment, but is like saying that someone doesn't want to buy condoms at a store because they feel shameful about or someone who doesn't wanna to visit a doctor because they are embarrassed about the problem/disease/infection they have (Yeah, there are probably better examples out there but these are only ones I could think of the top of my head).

One wrong step and her life could be completely ruined, more than already is.

Although I do believe it is a too much to just call her a bitch. We have to also put ourselves in her shoes

Her family is beyond broken:

1. The brother's best friend betrayed him, leaving in debt, and besides this brother for some reason is unable to get a job even if he wants with all his hearth (we already learned the reason as to why)
2. Her mother is in a comatose state, so besides the debt of her brother they also have to worry about the medical bills for the mother.
3. The father is completely broken, just a shell living, who drowns himself in alcohol and has temper tantrums, destroying things around the house.

She is just desperate.
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2018
1. it's not ilegal
2. she's there willingly
3. manager was actually nice
and asked if he wanted to wait or ask for another girl
4. the security was defending the girl
5. MC looks like a crazy ex or a obcessed creep by doing that so ofc they'd be over-protective of her.
6. she's just a hostess, not a hooker. she's there to serve drinks and "drink" with them (on those type of places they usually have a seperate bottle for the girls that looks the same but is non-alcoholic so they can control the situation
7. they usually have buzzers and other methods to call for help in case something happens against their will, that said, if they're willing to fuck, they get paid on the side.
8. there's cameras in all rooms constantly being monitored.

but basically, the mc is being the asshole here tbh.
@Estrelli totally agree with ya, these guys are incels af
Active member
Feb 26, 2018
MC ruins entire family trusting a friend for who knows what.
Sister tries to overcome debt without robbing/scamming/killing anyone.
Sister is a bitch.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Estrelli and @Retard_ You two are right that she has her own freewill and such and the way the MC did things was awful, but also working in those kinds of places, especially ones with "Bad rumors surrounding them" often leads to more debt than it does to success. At least that's how such places are portrayed in public opinion. So yeah she's free to do what she wants, but considering her family situation and that she is living with her family, it's kinda a dick move to work there, so her brother pulled a dick move in how he got her back. They're both being pretty dumb. Also you have to understand asian cultures, they're more family oriented, so her working there wont just reflect on her, it'll refelct on her family as well. Again it's still her choice, but from the MC's cultural views he has a perceived "right" to be pissed about this.
Double-page supporter
Jun 29, 2018
The amount of wine bottles on that table would give those 3(6?) people one hell of a heart attack or alcohol poisoning lol

Couldn't wait any longer and started reading(watching) the raws
Active member
Apr 1, 2019
Seems like the parents sent her there.
Now MC will kill parents, marry sister, kill mafia coming after him, buy mansion, then proceed to conquer Korea.
Nov 29, 2018

Part of the reason why I disliked the shallow comments here is because they fail to understand the nuance of the scene.

It plays out the trope of "rescuing someone from sex work." Now, if the sex work is involuntary and thus essentially slavery, rescuing the sex worker is a heroic, noble, and moral thing to do. After all, you restore to them their lost freedom. But if the sex work is voluntary, and the worker enters it of their own free will, "rescuing" them from it amounts to the exact opposite - a denial of freedom.

Phrased this way, it seems like the case is pretty cut and dry. This is where it gets interesting though. Sex work, amoung all occupations, is known to be pursued mostly by women due to economic deprivation. If a women involved in sex work is involved primarily because of her debts and poverty, then can it be said she is displaying her "true" free will? In this case, what is the "heroic, noble, and moral" thing to do? Tangled up like this, it becomes impossible to answer clearly. It's complicated even further by the implication that if you do not accept the sister's free will to pursue sex work, then you also cannot accept the MC's free will to become a dimensional mercenary. One sold their body, the other their soul.

Complicating the scene EVEN further is the introduction of the MC's tragic flaw. We've already seen that the MC's heroic virtue is his selfless desire to protect his family. It's basically been blasted at us by the author so hard that the only way to make it more obvious would be to have the MC monologue "Woe is me! woe is me! that my only virtue is my selfless desire to protect my family!" The complicated part is that the MC's virtue is also displayed in this chapter for the first time as his flaw - his actions taken so far to protect his family are thus: getting a job with godlike beings who have power over fate, and trying to "rescue" his sister from sex work. Both actions, however, have caused harm to his family or placed them in a position of greater risk. The job with the godlike beings by reducing his already miserable karma, and his "rescue" by invalidating the free will of his sister. Our MC's heroic virtue then, is also his tragic flaw. Or perhaps more precisely, his tragic flaw is the reckless nature of his virtue.

So yeah, reducing all of this delicious literary complexity to "lol MC sis is a bitch doesn't she know what MC does for her??" kind of annoys me. Especially since this is probably going to be the most complex chapter of the series, unless the father gets a serious redemption arc or something.
Aggregator gang
Jan 24, 2018
It seems like many readers weren't mature enough for this specific work of fiction and it's showing with all the complaints of 'oh the drama' and 'just shut up and listen woman'.

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