Elendin Joined Oct 26, 2019 Messages 1,333 Sep 1, 2020 #2 Thank you for the chapter 😍❤️😍 Go Elise! Fight Elise!
L luca17 Aggregator gang Joined Oct 24, 2019 Messages 1,487 Sep 1, 2020 #3 Yaaaay! An update of one of my fave mangas! Thank you so much!!!
Y yuchiyo Active member Joined Jun 4, 2019 Messages 3,115 Sep 1, 2020 #4 Thank you for the update!! I really love this part of being a couple. Not only for the better, but for the worse too.But I hope Elise would talk to Linden so they could form a plan together??
Thank you for the update!! I really love this part of being a couple. Not only for the better, but for the worse too.But I hope Elise would talk to Linden so they could form a plan together??