is this going full shoujo or there are going to be more doctor stuff going on in here? i mean they skipped the surgery completely for more fluff moments.
@zeroxjac I get the impression that only major surgeries where she "invents" revolutionary methods and/or ones that have some importance to the main cast are going to be included, so most of the time it'll be skipping over them. Otherwise we'd be getting a bunch of scenes with routine surgeries for unimportant characters we won't see again anyways.
@Keansor makes cense, but i still hope for some other development other than "KYAAA PRINCE IS SO HANDSOME!!" moments and the mc blushing for like 90% of the chapter.
I'm really glad Linden took Elise's absense so maturely, he could have sulked and acted hurt, and nobody could have blaimed him. But he understood, that's rare. Elise, he's a keeper ☺️