With that favorability score, its obvious this girl will let him do whatever he wishes as long as she isnt excluded. Or rather, as long as she gets to be the main girl. If he just marries her, I dont see him having any troubles keeping up a harem he clearly doesnt care about anyway, on the side. Why would a yandere care about the ants her husband keeps as pets?
That is a really, really shitty font to use for a youtube link. Among other problems, the 4's and Y's are very similar, and the 0's and O's almost indistinguishable.
I don't know who made the call for that, since three groups seem to have collaborated on this release, but it's idiotic.
I'm betting he won't be, but everyone else around him will be, and he'll live a miserable life as a result, since all his toys/pawns (girls/boys) will be dead.
So the car crash created a joint ability/curse that makes his old childhood friend becomes brutally committed to their marriage promise & killing every girl that is above 90 favor points? Damn.
Fairly interesting; plus I like yandere stories (mainly because I have issues). I’m curious to see where it leads.
@Kazumaik I thought the childhood friend died that day. Thus why her mom (I’m guessing) was so mad he woke up (I took it as survived) and not her daughter, and why he spent the rest of his childhood alone. I think the childhood friend just woke uo from her decade+ coma, awakened some ability, and awoke to the yandere inside,
Realistically his ability isn't that he can see their 'favor', it's that he is attractive, that is all. Imagine if someone unattractive had the same power, it wouldn't make much of a difference would it?
@Nasuro I read the raws a while back and gave up out of pure disgust so I don't know if the translations make him seem better and he sounds less dumb in English and if they actually attempted to add color to the dialogue, but i definitely found him a basic bitch conversationalist. by basic, i mean the diction because that stands out to me when i read raws. if i cant stand the way a character speaks then i tend to drop it.
i didn't clarify in my initial comment a year ago since I didn't feel like it, but i guess i'll do so now so i don't get anymore responses to this bcc I've dropped it way back and should have nothing to add beyond what my gripe was with this series at its initial stages so here it is.
I wouldn't attribute it to him knowing social cues, as it reads more to me that it was only convenient for the characters to act that way because they author said they should. fast, with minimal effort, and not following a proper, coherent flow. because
a girl with androphobia drops her pen, then mc goes "you're afraid of men, aren't you?" followed by almost immediate time skip to her already liking him is definitely the author caring about establishing the mc's charisma and providing depth to female characters beyond their purpose of being puppets that basically exist only to jerk him off. ironic I say that since it's basically the plot, but when even the author jerks him off...
vaguely remember the other chapters, that scene just particularly stood out to me. though, it's the author's world, so why shouldn't everything be written for his convenience? show, don't tell style was never a prevalent style that manga favored anyway.
edit: got a detail in the spoiler wrong, but basically the same.
again, I dropped it early so this is may very well be irrelevant now