@jeirien well having stood with my arm resting on people's shoulders before and based on the length of my arm + their height and width im able to reach their chest even when theyre as tall as me compared to people who are shorter then me like in this page. kinda the reason i try to only do this with guys. when doing this to a guy as tall as me i can reach upper chest / mewb.
as small as she is compared to him he could easily reach her bewb. this reach isnt limited to just her right bewb either, he can reach both of them from that pose. the area where his hand is resting at is considered upperbewb. meaning he can reach the bewb even without resting his hand on her shoulder. if she was wider it would be harder to reach the left bewb and im willing to accept he might not be able to reach much of the left bewb but again bewb is still bewb even when its mewb. but shes not wide.... shes a stick.... and his arms are just long XD like seriously, look at the last two pages and compare them. his actual shoulder is at least at the same level as her eyes / eye brows. hes about a heads height taller then her and hes not even touching her but can still get his hand over her upper chest. even if it was the bottom part of the ear it would still put his elbow just above her mouth and hes still able to reach around and place his hand over her chest. not just the upper part of the chest mind you but almost at the middle of it and thasts without actually touching her.
youre agreeing that he can reach her chest.... well.... the upper chest is where bewbs start so why are you arguing that he cant reach her bewbs? how exactly can you make the point his hand is eclipsing her chest while also saying he cant possibly reach her bewbs? his arm looks to be around 1 1/2 - 2 inch above her shoulder. with arms as long as his + as small as she is he could probably reach nip if he was actually touching her.
i posted that as a joke. i put near 0 thought into the first 2 posts so no i wasnt over thinking things. this one simply amused me so i posted more XD
the only reason i continued is because the use of bewb amuses me and we're arguing over fictional characters being able to grope each other

what a great way to start the day. this entire argument has been on a disagreement of where the bewb actually starts and what is considered bewb vs chest.
also, is it not a common thing to rest your arm on the shoulder of your friends when hanging out in your area? why would you need to test it or ask if ive ever done it?
also also, from a legal standpoint, at least where im at, touching the upper chest on a female is still considered groping / sexual harassment
also also also, even farter is a great type-o. plz leave it like that as it amuses me

imagine it. the longer your arm is the more it turns into farts XD