Doughnuts Under a Crescent Moon - Vol. 2 Ch. 6 - The Other Side of the Moon

Jul 10, 2019
this chapter makes me believe even more that Satou was out of the closet for Subaru, she could think that the feelings for Uno were simple friendship and not romantic but because she knows her sister is into girls and she probably never demonstrated interest like that for a while she decided to put her chips on Uno and make a bet.

Maybe there is some drama involving her parents too, maybe they fought before they died.

all in all, great chapter
Aug 13, 2019
I really enjoyed this chapter. The author knows how to build on their previous chapters well. The communication between everyone is solid, so I’m glad the tension still centers around Hinako and her personal growth.

Bless Hinako for not wanting to cause a misunderstanding with Satou — that’s an incredibly strong step for her. I’m excited to see how Subaru and Hinako will “free” Satou.

Subaru’s probably felt guilty ever since their grandmother passed, and that’s a lot to bear, especially since she acts so cheery all the time. I wonder if the whole “devotion” bit is something Subaru and Satou have ever or could ever talk through.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2019
I'm really glad that they don't overlook the other relationships she has. Falling in love doesn't mean having to abandon everything in your past, so I'm really nervous for there to be a good resolution to that too.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
They coming to her like that definitely hits close to home for me. Specially the subtext on what the girls say: "It hurts that you cannot trust us, that you think we won't accept you to change. We truly care, stupid." Actually wasn't expecting for them to come up like that, normally people just let it pass and before they know they are no longer linked.

I find it funny that you write in spanish in the English translated chapter(You stand out too much!) but yeah, we are pretty close to One (Uno in spanish means One) sorting up her feelings for Satou. I expect some kind of "declaration of love" next chapter. And then maybe will switch to Satou's perspective for the rest of it for some delicious struggle.

Yikes, "declaration of love" makes me think of Hibike Euphonium's first season. It is a really hard hitting Shoujo Ai. But the girls are suddenly straight by season 2.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2018
So Subaru best girl but I feel like she’s hiding some of her own feelings too
Dex-chan lover
May 28, 2018
Oh God... Is it time for: "Save the dark-haired girl from her melancholy life" again after all? Because of course girls with light hair colors can overcome their problems on their own, but girls with dark hair are helpless damsels in distress who need to be saved.
At this point I just hope the mangaka doesn't turn this into some super-dramatic thing with lots of tears and sobbing on Satou-san's part. She's just a siscon. It doesn't need to be made into some ridiculous psychiatric trauma like with Bloom into you etc.
Just turn away from this bullshit obsession that every dark-haired girl in a yuri story has to have some kind of deeply rooted psychological problem that they need to be saved from.
Apr 15, 2019
@Pachka84 Ah! Since you may not yet have noticed - I only work on series where dark-haired girls are emotionally weak and cry a lot. I think dark-haired girls are all damsels in distress that need to be saved. I'd recommend just not reading anything I upload!
Dec 21, 2018
@Pachka84 Are you joking? Please lord, tell me you're joking. You don't say anything about the first couple chapters, so I figured you just weren't reading this one. But the MOMENT the dark-haired girl shows ANY form of weakness, you feel the need to inject your stupid opinion? Why the hell do you even read yuri manga at all?

Also, Hinako didn't "save herself." Without Satou being a part of her life and showing her that she lives without conforming to societal norms, Hinako probably would have stayed in her little shell forever, or worse forced herself to fall in love with a guy she didn't love. Plus, if I do recall, the first chapter ended with Hinako, the light-haired girl, breaking down in tears and begging someone to help her, after which Satou, the dark-haired girl, appeared and pulled her out of her depression. But I didn't see you saying anything about that, despite your strange fetish for emotionally-damaged light-haired girls.

In short, pull your head out of your ass and come up with some real criticisms, or politely leave and never come back.
Jun 15, 2019
@Pachka84 If you think Satou is a siscon you have no clue what the term means. Just because someone is devoted to their family to the point of sacrificing their personal happiness does not mean they want to have a relationship with their sister.
Active member
Dec 7, 2018
i just reading this

thank you, it was great!! im looking for the next update!
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2018
Dont bang yourself up cuz you're not pleasing your mother cuz you havent reached some weird expectations of what a woman should do Hinako we're all our own person first find what you yourself desire then when you have it worry about how to explain it.

Sigh i did smell that for Satou dead parents and a younger sibling of course shes always had to live up to her expectation of a big sister.

Damn just when Hinako is showing some very good progress in the yuri accepting department Satou pulls that out Hinako also has some big mental problems herself so its gonna be interesting how the romance plays out, very nice that Hinako cleared up that b misunderstanding , talking about stuff wow now thats rare even more so with a character like her who has problems speaking her mind well It's Love confirmed.

I smell some drama with the friends wonder how that'll go please be good people, i was wrong about black haitr friend she seems nice.

Always a rant about black hair girls lol.
Active member
Nov 10, 2018
This is pretty good, I hope you continue with the project,tyanks
Aug 8, 2019
i'm glad things with Hinako's friends seem to be okay, i was real worried about her getting ostracized at work or something, but they semm to be good people. very worried about Asahi now instead

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