@versub @yamago To be fair, it's really more of just Shige than it is the rest of the island. He takes every possible opportunity to spin anything into a slight against Dr Goto, and when such things aren't available he just makes it up. Nobody else acts like they believe Goto is a glory seeker; it's gotten to the point where nobody but Goto himself takes anything Shige says to heart because his head is so far up his own ass the rest of the time. For what it's worth, we've seen from the background chatter the rest of the association would kinda love to force him to retire and thus stop him from being a disgrace to them, after all he's always the first to sell everyone else out for a payout too.
So if the narration boxes from Hoshino are 100% true and that the island will entirely lose faith in Goto, it's because something goes wrong with Uchi's operation at the hands of the substitute. I don't have raws, so that is just a guess as the most logical direction this could go.