Dragon Ball - Digital Colored Comics - Vol. 2 Ch. 17 - The Boss's Special Move

Jan 23, 2018
And let's call forward to chapter 51 when Jackie Chun destroys the moon... Should this be declared the first instance of the meme that Toriyama-sensei forgets things?

Also here is a instance that Goku can go to the moon just fine, so we have canon confirmation that he wouldn´t lose to Superman for not breathing in the space... And the "cartoon logic rule" couldn´t null this cause Superman himself have a lot of this running in his silver age past too... though I'm sure nobody even talks about this anymore... Like... Saitama beat the two... I'm not sure...

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mr. Poneis
Jan 23, 2018
@MistaL 40 secs for a average human, with average height, weight and resistances... That would give Goku a minute or two? I think that One Punch Man example should be inserted here somewhere... There's some canon source of how Superman would fare? I'm not a particular fan, so what comes to mind is that in the movies he really fight someone in the moon, while in the DCAU he needed a spacesuit... and in the comics it is something that varies greatly with each author...

Other two other facts of a lot to be reviewed would be the Nyoi-bo travel distance/speed and the fact that indeed Toninjinka was abandoned there with his human minions making the moon in dragon ball have a sort of breathable atmosphere? To much to think about, The REAL world have to many rules...

Now I'm sure that they should loan Superman copyrights to TOEI (or insert your favorite animation studio here...) to make it happen... Since fans will always be fans... they should animate two fights one for each side victory (they did it with Pokemon once I think?)... and let it settle through official dvd sells (or box office sells for that matter)...

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mr. Poneis
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
@mrponeis Or Just one side. and two round. First Superman win.

Jan 23, 2018
@Tcof If DC fans are ok with this... Sure! Depending on the author the second round will end in a draw, or in the fight being put on hold and the two joining forces to counter something major... But in the end the best thing happening would be some animated Superman again! The guy is missing since Justice League Unlimited... Or perhaps had a little cameo punching someone in Young Justice?

Putting that aside what other cameos they can bring if TOEI gets a bargain sale? Vegeta vs Batman?

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Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
@mrponeis anyways. how much superman strength again ? i hear a lot about how big it is and golden age thing. but there is too many version and writers over decades. So what the best and faithful describe ? I don't read comic but everything i saw from animated, he about Radiz level at best
Jan 23, 2018
how much superman strength again ? i hear a lot about how big it is and golden age thing. but there is too many version and writers over decades. So what the best and faithful describe ? I don't read comic but everything i saw from animated, he about Raditz level at best
I too am a complete noob in terms of Superman... Once I saw something about a Superman Prime... but people with god-like powers are dime a dozen in japanese manga... and from this stand Dr. Manhattan would be a better crossover... And checking some of what Google-sensei has to offer about the guy (His personal wiki and the TV Tropes page are amazing!)... The guy is a fortress in terms of "Informed abilities" while the extent of Goku abilities is what you can see up to Super... It's Re:Creators all over again...


If we take the death battle they wrote in 2013... Pretty convincing to be honest... While fighting under a yellow sun and far from kryptonite of any kind... Superman seems to always be the winner... It never was about breathing capabilities... I end my case here... I still want something with bettter animation but the research was flawless...

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mr. Poneis

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