hi was wondering how much you made up in what manga part, cause i paid a Japanese guy to translate these. even tho he said he wasn't to good at doing it. but would like to know which would be better to use in a dub. i made a English dub video of the Garlic Jr one like over a year ago. i myself translated that one with a translator programs from the Mexican translation cause it was pretty bad translated. anyway had heath and pc problems stop me from making more dubs. and thinking about getting back to doing it. and now with better looking scans as well as better translated ones. but the lines for Bulma are already recorded from over a year ago. so they wouldn't line up idk haven't heared them scene then. anyway enough about that no matter what it's bad ass you got them all done and pasted in

very cool thank you for your hard work
page 210 did you make that part up? because the guy i paid translated the page with the following
(Kame-sennin:As a fighter,you finally fight with your body.
It's simple...the stronger is the winner.
Kame-sennin:And then,I'd like to show you the final extreme skill
of my style !!
Chririn:O...out of the blue!?
Vegeta: Huh,that's interesting.
Kame-sennin:That skill name is...
[Kamehame-wild-dance!!!] )
far as i seen from this is a kind of a Kio Ken attack like Goku had think it would be cooler and hard to believe two translators would translate this page so different. even if the guy i paid was'n't the best at English he was a Japanese guy. anyway just wondering thanks for any info.