Dragon Claw - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - Food

Aggregator gang
Sep 18, 2018
This guy is becoming likable pretty quickly.

No point trying to resist Asato, this romance tag must be here for a reason!
Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2018
my only negative point is that this guy looks WAY too similar to the OG guy who betrayed MC and who I hate with a passion then again maybe i'm just blind and need new glasses lmao


Mar 30, 2019
thanks for the chapter! the mc's developed anxiety or something similar, relatable
Group Leader
Feb 21, 2020
@maronic02 haha, ok that made me laugh!

@dokidoki That might have to do with my artstyle, because of the way I draw male characters right now. I think I have to differentiate the shape of their eyes more. Overall, the artstyle of the manga will probably change a lot over the course of the story anyways.
If you see how inosuke from demon slayer is drawn at the beginning and the end of the manga, you can see how much changed. I guess the same will happen for my artstyle!

@Mna Glad to see that people can understand Asato's character!

Thanks everyone for reading!
May 1, 2020
Very nice manga! I am definitely looking forward for more to come :)

On the new chapter 1 & 2 thingy: I think a big chater 1 would be better. It gives you more room to do the build up in one go and people who think like: 'I will read the first chapter and then dicide' are more likely to enjoy this manga as well if the first chapter gives them more.

On the topic of changing artstyles: I think this is fine. I read a lot of webtoons and they often change with every 'season', but I think your current style is already very good. Sometimes the background lacks detail but since you are doing the entire work alone and this manga just started that's more than understandable. On the otherside your style for the flow in fighting scenes is amazing! It is a nice mixture of things becoming distorted and you being able to cleary see what is going on.

The only thing so far that I don't like is the pacing of the characters thinking/talking sometimes. Feels a tad to fast but I guess that is probably the trade off because making it slower would need more panels which is a hugh amount of extra work or you would have to do the HxH style with blank pages and only text which is meh xD

Last but not least: I read the last comment of this UncelQ guy.. don't listen to him. Giving advice without even being asked and then this load of bullshit about cultural appropriation
Group Leader
Feb 21, 2020
@websterq Thanks again websterq! : )

@Jinkyns Thanks! The MangaDex community really is friendly and helpful. "UncelQ" was the first person with toxic behavior I encountered. But I decided to answer his big comment with my own big comment, for anyone in the future with the same opinions as him.

Readers like you are the reason I enjoy reading comments! You told me what you like and what you dislike about my work, so I can do my best to improve.

About the new chapter 1, @maronic02 also told me pretty much the same as you on reddit and I agree. A big chapter 1 would be a way better introduction than two split chapters.
The only thing I feel bad about is the 1 month break that comes with it, because I can't draw 47 pages in 1 month at my current speed.

I'm glad to hear that so many enjoy the current art style and especially the fights, even thought it's a bit rough sometimes.

Hmm, yeah I myself also wondered if people think it's to fast or slow. I actually decided to have more panels in chapter 6, hoping it would be a slow chapter. But you're right, it's a lot of extra work.
Is this a problem since chapter 1 or only chapter 6?
Feb 2, 2018
I´m really happy to hear you're developing a new sort of "beginning" to this story. I guess the only real problem that I was having with your manga is that it felt like there was no actual "structural base" or strong foundation to this narrative.

Don't get me wrong! It started with a bang and chapter 1 was full of energy, which was the very thing that attracted me in the first place. It's just that it was hard to get a grasp on what exactly was driving this story. With this chapter we finally have a goal for these amazing characters to follow and I'm fucking here for it.

I think the setting of this world is really damn cool and has a lot of potential. I just know you'll do a great job at fleshing everything out for us and once again, I cannot wait.

Keep up the great work @jia-art Well wishes from Colombia!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
the story is neat, but i really enjoy the artwork. its a nice blend of east-meets-west, and you can tell its made carefully. the time between chapters doesnt matter as much to me since the quality is so high. keep up the good work as always.
Group Leader
Feb 21, 2020
@DatDopeCracker Very interesting to hear, because I have heard the same from other people, that Lold chapter 1 was emotional and attention grabbing, but it wasn't a good introduction to the world.
Let's hope new chapter 1 will deliver! I have 17 of 47 pages sketched already because I'm so excited.
Thanks DatDopeCracker!

@Crim Thanks! I feel bad for the 1 month wait, but I also consider quality to be more important. By now I have decided to make the new chapter 1 a big 47 page chapter, so you will have to wait a whole month longer. But the wait will be worth it!
May 1, 2020

Just read your answer to him - well done. I also thought about answering him but came to the conclusion he isn't worth my time and it's better to just write a bigger comment to you xD

I also re-read the chapters so far and I think I made a mistake. It's not the pacing xD. It's what you mentioned yourself at the end of the 'prologue'. Since right after the start we had a timeskip, the first time I read the chapters I couldn't really connect to what she was thinking. From 'I wanna go out and live free' to 'ahh life sucks' and since we don't know more about the relationship she had with Jin the 'betrayel' didn't hit as hart as she would make it out to be after the timeskip.
Reading it again tho already made it better. And I think with the new prologue things might clear up a bit more and then everything should be fine :)
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 30, 2019
I really liked that "joke" about the poisoned fruit and fake dead, made me smirk :)
Is this the beginning of a possible love story? I hope so, this Asato went through a lot apparently and if she meets someone she can trust and they can support each other emotionally, that would be awesome.
Apr 4, 2020
I love the art style, I know the artist said that they new but this is one of my favourites. It's so clean and even at times messy but it's enjoyable to take the time and really appreciate what you've drawn. 10/10.

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