Because Akira's father never told him about being a great magician or anything else for that matter.It's weird pacing and wouldn't MC know some of this information from when he was forced to come to the capital. The idea that he comes to this school blind, knowing his father is a great magician, doesn't make sense.
Bad writing tbh. Medis and Katia are selfishly pushing everything on Akira. In Medis defense, she seems to be doing it unintentionally. She's ....sadly not that bright and too emotional, which is a very bad combination. I dislike what she's doing but not so much her. Now if it turns out she's acting this way on purpose to convince Akira to help her, I will instantly end up hating her and wish the main heroine (good o' elf maid) just raze the whole damn Queendom to the ground.Thanks for the TL!
Again, like I said in my previous comment, Medis isn't really making herself favorable in terms of not using the MC for her benefit. Maybe it's the pacing that is at fault here, but the author should've placed more emphasis and reminisce the bond they previously have. Instead it feels as though it's all manipulation and blackmail, at least it feels that for me.