Dungeon Meshi - Vol. 1 Ch. 7.6 - Extra - Monster Tidbits

Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
When I see armors holding hands, it's not a prank. They're actually mating.
I did not need to know this.

Wait but this is some cool biology tho. Since the living armor form a colony, doesn't that mean that only the hands are capable of reproducing? The hands consists of several armor plates so we can assume that there's more than a single living armor capable of reproducing. That must mean that those serving as the hands serve to wield weapons, pick up limbs, and reproduce. My gosh they're arguably the most important part of the colony.

I wonder if those who grew only a small size couldn't grow to big and strong alike those responsible to serve as limbs because they are busy developing their sexual organs. In that case, do living armor are born predestinated of their roles or do they just form their shell plates first and decide who will be who when they join up?

On another note, the ecosystem must be incredibly rich in iron for them to grow armor plates as shells. This place could be cultivated to selectively breed crops to produce fruits with high iron content to treat anaemia and other iron malnutrition. Actually, it would make more sense if their armour is made of steel which is mostly iron with a few percents of carbon - they must also be hunting miscellaneous prey to get their carbon supply my gosh.

Also, how does one armour piece communicate with another? My guess is that it's an inter-organism neural network capable of being cut off and reattached as much as necessary. If the people here study the living armour's communication, it could give this society a head start in neurology.

And if a whole armour can be considered as a colony, wouldn't the hall of armour stands mean that they are forming a supercolony where the largest colony serve as the leader of other colonies?

I genuinely wanna study them lol.
Double-page supporter
Nov 24, 2019
I assumed they were more like hermit crabs and and used the armor of dead adventurers, did not expect them to create their own "shell".
Actually, it would make more sense if their armour is made of steel which is mostly iron with a few percents of carbon - they must also be hunting miscellaneous prey to get their carbon supply my gosh.
I'm no expert but steel is not naturally occurring and requires a smelting and refining process, when you smelt iron it actually contains an excessive amount of carbon and removing that is what turns iron into steel. So the armor is most likely made out of basic iron.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
@Degernase No I don't think that's true. MC's sword breaks which means that the boss' sword must be harder. That means that the stringer armours are probably better steel meanwhile the worst ones are weaker or just outright iron only.

On another note, why can't the living armor pieces grow their own plates? Would parasites really hunt for armours? These things exist since the gold-stripping days which means that the living armour's are probably from the armies of the Golden Kingdom. Do you expect soft, fleshy monsters to be able to steal the army's armory without then noticing? It maybe the army disappeared since they all die in the battle with the magician, then why would there be any armors left? And when they're laying their eggs, do they sacrifice someone from the supercolony just so that the babies get to inhabit new armor pieces? And if they do hunt down adventurer's armor then why do we not see a different kind of armour suit over the years?

My hypothesis makes more sense.
Double-page supporter
Nov 24, 2019
No I don't think that's true. MC's sword breaks which means that the boss' sword must be harder. That means that the stringer armours are probably better steel meanwhile the worst ones are weaker or just outright iron only.
But MC's sword is originally from a living armor as well. Keeping in mind that it's a fantasy setting with magic, I guess it could be literally any material, otherwise I'd lean towards it being some form of hard chitin.

On another note, why can't the living armor pieces grow their own plates? Would parasites really hunt for armours?
Not to be nitpicky but a parasite per definition lives in/on a host and uses it as nutrition, though with that in mind they would probably not be classified as parasites if they'd hunt down armor seeing as that's not a living organism.
These things exist since the gold-stripping days which means that the living armour's are probably from the armies of the Golden Kingdom. Do you expect soft, fleshy monsters to be able to steal the army's armory without then noticing? And when they're laying their eggs, do they sacrifice someone from the supercolony just so that the babies get to inhabit new armor pieces?
It's not that much of a stretch, they could scavenge from the dead and keep extra spares for newborn.
And if they do hunt down adventurer's armor then why do we not see a different kind of armour suit over the years?
Yeah that does pose some questions, maybe there's some hidden armory only they know about, maybe there's just a huge supply or some other creature makes new ones and keeps it supplied (some powerful wizard made the dungeon after all). Or maybe they do create their own armor like they suggest in this chapter but it's from the perspective of an unreliable narrator so we can't be sure.

My original comparison was to that of hermit crabs but since that's clearly what
are based on, I'm inclined to believe these these living armors really do create their own 'shell'.
Double-page supporter
Aug 30, 2020
I can't like someone like the elf girl lol. Too picky & constantly complains about food that isn't to her standards. But she's valuable as a team member so if I'm in her group I'd just tune her out.

That said, the living armour discovery is very interesting yet funny. Just like what the commenter below me said.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 7, 2018
HahHAHAHahahahha this chapter
mandrake beauty contest
also hand holding = pregnant confirmed

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