Dungeon Reset - Ch. 62

Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

Soda is not a pure liquid.
Alcohol usually isn't either but you might be able to make pure ethanol for medical purposes.
Heck, even water usually isn't a pure liquid as it contains salt and other minerals...
But for the purposes for the trap, it won't matter as its made to boil you alive.


Probably, as long as the plant doesn't interfere with the magic that keeps it alive somehow then yeah he could.
In fact, doing so might even make the golem itself stronger as the roots could strengthen the earth just like real-life plants does.
With that said, it would be prone to falling off when damaged and the golems regeneration won't apply to any plant life that grows on it.
Unless all of that is invalid becouse magic... *snort*
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2019
@Goldenzeal resetting the trap would bring the plant back if it was damaged, no? Its separated from the golem regeneration but still should come back.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

Resetting the trap would heal it for sure.
But it most likely won't( without clear rules, anything is possible with magic ) put the plant back on the golem if it fell off when the golem takes damage.
Also resetting the trap and the golems regeneration are two separate magic effects and unless something is done to link it to the regeneration somehow they won't act together, or automatically.
You have to remember that the MC has to manually reset the traps, and traps by their nature aren't supposed to be moving around and are fixed point in a temple building.
(Unless they have an inbuilt re-arm time like the pea shooting plants that normally grow new peas by itself, but that won't heal the trap and just re-arms it.)

Best case scenario he can put the plants on the golem and rebuild it manually if it falls off by putting it back together again, but it won't be able to act independently of him.
Worst case the plant falls off and then just sits there.
Your idea doesn't have to be impossible, but depending on how the magic works it might be... or just really impractical.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2019
@Goldenzeal I just think that chances are, even if the golem gets damaged it would be around the main body or legs (unless ofc course its a flying enemy), not on its back to make the plants 'fall off' of it in a way that just resetting wont bring them back. Talking about the elephant golem here.

He could even make some cilinders to protect the roots and part of the stem so only the tip would be damaged easily from afar, which would come back with a reset, but protecting the lower portion which connects it to the golem.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 12, 2018
@Goldenzeal Y'know, thinking about it, he can make the golems shaped however he wants, really, as indicated by house elephant way back when... so he could probably design a layout meant for protecting the plant well.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2019
The perfect example of how two people can use the same exact skill in completely different ways.
Nov 12, 2018
the story is getting really boring, nothing interesting has been happening for too long, can you beat that damn boss and move on? or whatever, this story has stood still for too long
Active member
May 13, 2020
Ah, yes, hence the name 'dungeon reset'
But seriously, can't he just 'gate' there?
Jul 23, 2020
1: why aren't his teeth also breaking when he's eating bones? make your achievements more specific.
2: how the fuck did only one person who's very talented in combat figure out that easily snapping bones can be used combat
Aug 19, 2020
@omnirex why didn't his fist bones break when punching? Why doesn't his foot bones break when walking?

Don't be stupid alright?

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