Either force-require translation groups and limit the number a user can have, or actually monitor uploaders for abusive uploads :rejected:

Feb 18, 2019
As stated in the title. If unclear, the force-requiring groups is for the purposes of being able to apply our group blocks.
I did check, and didn't see any threads or notes in the "Read First" about this matter. Apologies for any redundancy.
Abusive uploads in this case simply being a reference to any upload which is a "snipe" and extremely poor quality.
[ie, rather than having subjectively determined benefits, clearly having no benefits at all].

Alternatively (and this is the main request of the post), one could allow blocking of uploads by user.
Either way, it'd just serve a bandaid approach for any of the many more reasonable solutions for such matters (many of which are well-established enough to be intuitive to a degree, and work without issue on other sites), but I haven't gotten the feeling that feature updates are something the site does often, nor the feeling that site management cares much improvement of such matters. True or not, I don't see any detriment to the addition of a user block, if site development time can be allotted to the addition. Even if the benefits end up being minor, it'd at least serve as a sort of "hide" function for the more immediate offending upload in question.

Do please feel free to clarify any site background elements I may be unfamiliar with, as my interactions with community elements have thus far been limited, and have exclusively involved extreme toxicity (and thus have been rather lacking in providing me with any constructive information). Thank you kindly for your time.
Jan 19, 2018
Read this.

I didn't even have to change the page for this. Anyways it's been rejected before and i'll be rejected again.
Power Uploader
Jan 19, 2018
pretty much impossible. lets take these 3 groups for example:
no group - the translator is known but has either done so few works that a group is unwarranted (often times just a single chapter). or a person that doesn't want a group in general and does it as a hobby.
unknown - the translator is unknown. no possible way to force a proper group on these ones
/a/nonymous - Very similar to "no group" this is comprised of thousands of individuals which wish to remain anonymous and simply gave credit to anon for the translation.

in all 3 groups a snipe is very possible. with all 3 groups you will never get what you are looking for. with all 3 groups translation could be shit. with all 3 groups translation could be great. with all 3 groups they could skip ahead and do a chapter out of order.

because these things exist in the translator community and MD explicitly refuses to get involved with policing what thousands of scanlators do for their respective communities. your wish is extremely impractical to implement without impacting thousands of chapters. (also, good luck finding out who did every single no group chapter that shit can be really hidden sometimes)

as for blocking the user that did the upload. any random person on the site can upload a missing chapter. just because you black a user by no means solves your problem. what if a series has been uploaded by like 30 different people? what if you block a guy that uploads a ton of chapters and is simply contributing to the site?

in my mind, there needs to a limit on what MD is willing to do to appease people. A user can easily destroy their site experience with the user block feature if they happen to block the wrong individual. For that reason alone, i think it would be a bad feature. a great example would be banning uploads from @electromaster people may find him annoying for always uploading the manga+ or placeholder chapters from groups not on MD. If they do that then they have destroyed the reading experience from thousands of other manga on the site. whenever you end up finding a manga you enjoy and its missing a bunch of chapter a user may think "here we go again yet another manga with incomplete chapters, lets just switch to another website" little do they know that popular uploader they blocked actually uploaded those "missing" chapters

Blocking a specific group makes sense because there do exist troll groups. blocking the guy that uploads somebody else's chapters makes no sense.

only way i will be ok with a user blocking feature would be if they added something to each manga (probably above the description of the manga) a warning that chapters are missing due to your group/user blocks. with a checkbox to show blocked chapters
Active member
Aug 8, 2018

Too easy to circumvent your block user idea. The work around is making a new account. If Mangadex actually did what you wanted, the site will basically get flooded with dummy and fake accounts

Also, please at least scan the suggestion section's thread titles before you post. Some guy already posted your suggestion.
Feb 18, 2019
@sterven @crazybars
"I didn't even have to change the page for this." "Also, please at least scan the suggestion section's thread titles before you post. Some guy already posted your suggestion."

I spent 10 minutes [that's not an exaggeration] looking through things. I can forgive you what is an easy mis-assumption, but you should at least be able to see how such an assumption comes across in a way which is almost hypocritical. You all rushed to action, to accuse me of rushing of action, when I ended up being the only one who put in actual effort [no matter how inept I, with my perception and processing issues, am at such things]. Again, not expecting that fact to have been apparent, but your replies don't seem to have held much inherent merit, either.

Or, put more simply: Who is behaving more poorly, someone who puts in the effort and doesn't reach an ideal outcome, or someone who puts in no effort and acts in a manner which is, perhaps, inherently crude?

Besides, it's well understood that the frequency and emphasis of a complaint can often highlight how strongly the element troubles the community it relates to. It may not be ideal, as far as forum spam goes, but it isn't in fact inherently criticizable (outside of a deliberate willingness to spam). To the contrary, you've just emphasized the implication that my topic is meaningful enough to the community to warrant multiple threads within a very short period of time.

You touch upon some rather obvious elements within your own post. Uploads can rather obviously be limited, other sites already implement soft-locks without issue (in a more general sense, the typical approach is to have a soft delay on full upload from non-established uploaders [in the case of this site, uploader groups] so the upload can be vetted) . You note the fact that MangaDex doesn't moderate (or update) things [compared to other sites], but this is pretty well known, and also doesn't need emphasis.

The most interesting thing you brought up is "Blocking a specific group makes sense because there do exist troll groups". I assume you mean that as an agreement to the sentiment of my thread topic and that the current option serves as a partial fix to the broader issue, because the alternative would be claiming that the exact same circumstance "makes no sense" just by way of a difference in what labeling one chooses to apply to it.

Finally, a lot of your comments just flat out are bewilderingly lacking in any clear coherency, such as your statement of "blocking the guy that uploads somebody else's chapters makes no sense". I mean, it doesn't take any mental exertion or special experience to intuitively realize that 1: Obviously you probably wouldn't want to block that guy and 2: If someone does want to block that guy, it's their own business.

@AbyssalMonkey You've done more for my thread than I ever could have, and you don't even realize it.

I don't engage in anything without a clear constructive basis, so this'll be my last comment in the thread. Do as you all please.
Power Uploader
Jan 19, 2018
Wasn't really sure which way you were going on your post.... blocking users that do uploads or blocking users that translate only a few chapters. Either way, your argument is wildly impractical for one and incredibly meaningless for the other.

Take your pick
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
@Thoughtgap By "force-require" a group, you mean people shouldn't be allowed to post under "no group"? Hard reject.

And once again, we currently have no plans to implement blocking based on the uploader. It has been thoroughly considered. Please stop posting about it.

I suggest ignoring chapters you don't like.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
While I don't think OP's suggestion is currently practical, I don't think coming in with the amount of hostility some of y'all did is helpful either. If you're exasperated with folks posting the same suggestion over and over, then I'd suggest a break from the suggestion forum.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018

The idea was posted 3 days ago below one of the most infamous threads in the Mangadex Suggestion forums history,"Merge Shoujo and Yuri", where some guys kept it going for a week and 2 days.

I don't know about hostile, but I was pretty sure the guy didn't even go through the 1st page of suggestions so I merely said please look 1st before posting duplicates. The easiest way is using the ctrl F search function on the computer for key words etc.


1st Page of Suggestions thread. 12/12/19



*edited 12/12/19 : Pics in case you're from the future etc.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
@AbyssalMonkey Mocking members of the community in such a hostile manner only goes to run people out of the community. It doesn't help the community grow. So while I agree they should have checked some of the other posts (forum search when?) before making their own, the hostility was completely unnecessary.

@crazybars I never disagreed with the notion that OP should have checked for similar posts so I don't know why you've brought that up again. I'm saying the response to a repeat suggestion was overblown, especially after the yuri tag post where it was displayed that perseverance to a (practical) suggestion that's been rejected can get it overturned and implemented.
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
@BestBoy posted:

especially after the yuri tag post where it was displayed that perseverance to a (practical) suggestion that's been rejected can get it overturned and implemented.
Do note that it was overturned only because while I was thinking of stuff to add for the new site, I happened to come up with a system for switching between exclusion modes conveniently and it worked well enough for the yuri case that I didn't have to write a whole new nightmarish tag system

If anything, the yuri thread got so annoying it very nearly made me want to keep the shoujo ai tag out of spite
Active member
Aug 8, 2018

If you're exasperated with folks posting the same suggestion over and over

I thought you were referring to posting the same Duplicate subject threads over and over. Since I know that's not the case anymore, I'm a Zoop out of this thread.

Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
@Teasday Sure, but if they had dropped it after it was initially rejected, who knows if you would have even thought it could apply to the new compromise (Girl's Love/Boy's Love), much less if there even would have been a compromise.

@crazybars "Zoop" is a good verb.
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
@BestBoy posted:

Sure, but if they had dropped it after it was initially rejected, who knows if you would have even thought it could apply to the new compromise (Girl's Love/Boy's Love), much less if there even would have been a compromise.
I conceded the argument of the thread in the very first reply I made, the reason it was rejected was because I had no method for implementing it at the time and I explained as much

I could have locked the thread right then and there and we would have eventually re-opened it when I later came up with a reasonable enough solution

Arguing about it for pages on end did nothing but frustrate me for no reason
Miku best girl
May 29, 2012
We do need to keep the hostility down, people...
Jan 19, 2018
I'm trying to get into the Christmas spirit and all that but when I get called toxic and a hypocrite while being talked down to like i'm some chump
I can't help but snap.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2018
If the shoe fits.

@ all
If repeat suggestion threads upset you, just stay out of them. Close the window and pretend you never saw them. Let someone else give a polite response with a subtle prod and let the thread gently settle to the bottom.

Getting used to swarming these threads like furious birds of prey leads to people sometimes getting reamed for not being a part of a discussion in one thread several months ago, in which an upcoming feature was actually discussed at length. Or a thread turning into a furious flamewar while the OP's other suggestions which have not been discussed fade into obscurity.
Jan 19, 2018
You talking to me? I'll assume you are since the thread you linked only has me and some other dude in it if you weren't just give me a shout.

Anyways I don't get upset over repeating threads it's bound to happen after all there is still no forum search (hopefully we get it when MD jumps to XF).
What sets me off is being labeled and belittled for a simple statement. I wasn't mocking the guy at all when I told him I didn't have to change to page to find the
exact same suggestion I was only making an observation.

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