@midnight2630 Maybe she wanted to confirm that those logs did indeed have victims inside before she went to Maxwell or Cortina. In a situation like this time is of the essence, and if it turned out the logs were nothing when Maxwell or Cortina go to check then that is time lost that could have been spent looking for the missing people elsewhere. I do agree, however, that this story is pretty silly at times. The jump in logic that
@Kampfarsch mentioned is a bit much. I mean, I suppose Nicole, or rather Reid, is probably the cautious/paranoid type since such is needed for an assassin, so such a jump in logic when she was just informed of the kidnappings could make some sense. However, it's still a ridiculous conclusion to come to with so little information in such little time. Perhaps Nicole knew that such an assumption was a bit far-fetched and thus the reason why she didn't immediately go tell Maxwell or Cortina.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is that the mind is a crafty bastard that sometimes helps you find genuine dangers so you can avoid them and sometimes fucks with you so you end up making the situation worse. It's often best to take things carefully and confirm one's suspicions before one calls the police on a potentially innocent person, assuming one has the time to be careful.(And in this situation time is quickly running out.)