How much do you want to bet that its some stupid custom where if he goes its like he is proposing marriage or some shit like that. @Nvy This is right up there with Kenja no Mago and Realist Hero in how fucking stupid the plot is.
I wonder. From what Kite-chan said, it seems more like he'll find out she's extremely poor, abused, her family will try to sell her to him, or something like that. If it was a proposal thing she would have been more direct about telling him not to go, instead of saying he's better off not knowing.
You know, I get really, really tired of the trope "You shouldn't do that!" "Why?" "I can't tell you."
It's lazy foreshadowing and lazy storywriting. The goal I guess is to build suspense, but it's so contrived. It's not how a real conversation would go, because in the real world no one would be convinced by dire, unexplained warnings. If the person giving the warning actually wanted to stop someone from doing something, they'd tell them WHY.
The trope is so common in JPN media that I have to assume it's a cultural thing westerners just don't understand, like maybe JPN society simply accepts authority figures not telling them anything "for their own good", but I find it extremely frustrating. I know it's usually done to setup a big reveal later, but he's going to find out in the very next chapter. With the overall tone of this story, I assume it's probably not going to be as dark as they're trying to make it out to be. So yeah, lazy storytelling.
In a world in which every female has the exact same curvaceous body and is thirsting over the maincharacter, the maincharacter ends fucking the underage little girl and then marries her with the permission of the parents of course.
Looks like this artist spends all of his time on drawing boobs, and not enough on hands. More often than not, the character's hands look like the Penguin's deformed hands from Tim Burton's Batman Returns.