Thanks to the translation team!
For once, I'm pleased with the realistic storyline. So often I see characters who seem to unrealistically escape trauma (overwhelming and incomprehensible trauma—the kind where you are alone, have lost all that you love, have lost meaning, and are to most likely be sold into the most horrific of circumstances with untold abuses, pain, and suffering beckoning—in those shadows lurk true despair), whereas her reaction—where is the nearest cliff to fling myself from? Where is a knife to end my life before I suffer further—is the more realistic response. It takes incomprehensible strength (as well as outside and internal reservoirs that the average individual does not possess, particularly not after great adversity) to resist the natural call to Death's seemingly loving embrace. Peace.
While not a pleasant trope, it's realistic and for that I appreciate the author's actions herein demonstrating that tragedy.