ey, others may call this trash, and they may be right. this isn't an overarching story, its something you pick up when it gets put out. you dont wait on it and you shouldn't. in fact, you shouldn't be relating to the mc at all, besides from his random shame. there will always be that small misstep that the world sees, that spilled water, that screwed up order. there is never this undying search for perfection that the mc is going for because its painful, impossible, and time consuming. he is a zealot of the ideal masterpiece book, which to this point we have no clue what story he wants to make (that is a valid criticism) . but the author does a good job of detaching the reader from the main character. its a repetitive formula, definitely, but each time it comes out its a different girl. its a different play on expectations
mc is that elitist that is looking for "the one", which is obviously never gonna happen. but he will, hopefully, create a story, a magnificent story, using each story from each girl he's met.
personally, i like it. its different from every other harem that gets pumped out like milk from big tiddy wamen. this manga is like high quality milk from the small tiddy.
author is testing the waters methinks, lets hope he uses makes use of what he has seemingly planned out already.