This is a pretty realistic manga about how lonely it is to be gay/closeted, and includes infidelity and what looks like there'll be some heavy heartbreak too. Lovely, but not everyone's cup of tea, so be warned if you're looking into reading it.
One of Shimura-sensei's easier-to-follow narratives. Only four chapters in, and it's already engrossing. I wonder how lengthy this series will be... my guess is: fairly long.
I respect the open communication between each character.
While it was cruel to confess after the fact, she made an honest effort to put what happened out there sooner rather than later.
It depends on each party involved, but it would be interesting if the manga-ka delved into the nature of open and/or polyamorous relationships in marriage.
I think it's an interesting and realistic portrayal of finding out your sexuality after trying to live your life with whats considered "normal".
It's frustrating and painful for all parties involved.
It's still cheating but it's good that she is openly communicating with people and didn't hide it under the table for long.
That being said it's really hard to read? The main character Ayano is really casual about it, it has no sense of consequence. I think it's good to be understanding to people discovering themselves and maybe that's why reactions were kind of chill but it's still kind of difficult to like her. I don't want gays to feel guilty for being gay but it's really hard to watch cheating.
I think the characters are all afraid to have a real conversation which I can understand but it's so. Hard to read and like characters haha. Definitely engrossing. I guess if you've read Scum's Wish it's kind of like that vibe, but more straightforward and like real.
Kinda difficult to read, but I guess I'll finish this up when it's complete. It's relatable to some extend and realistic to some others but gee it's awkward and feel unnatural in the end how the characters all behave in general.
No one take up this series anymore? I look up internet we got Raw till chapter 12 already. Hope someone pick up this series back, i really like this manga