Everything Was a Mistake - Ch. 25

May 13, 2020
Really pathetic mom, tsk! The parents are to blame -_- imagine when you grow up in that toxic environment , explains his behavior, the way he doesnt kill and keeps his promise to not kill means he is not evil and still thinks humane.
Aug 8, 2018
I kinda pity nocton rn. Her mom is absolute trash, and his family is not all better either
Jun 5, 2019

Are you dumb? He brainwashed those people for ten years for survival. You think that makes him a villain?

It is a good thing he is not like his novel self which can probably be thanked by Duroa for her interference to some extent, being that sliver of a light in his tough times of darkness.

But I'm sorry a true villain- Nocton's just a baby level villain trying to survive in the toxic wasteland. You getting all butt hurt over simple brainwashing? That's nothing.

Killing them all would be easier for him. Killing then would make him a true villain and a respectable one.

What Nocton is doing is trying to survive the only way he knows without killing. There's no villainy in that.
Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2018

"Simple brainwashing"? Do you have any idea what you're talking about? Brainwashing someone is literally taking away someone's free will and turning him into a puppet. He did that to tons of people and for years. He stole all those years from tons of people and you're comparing it with killing? That's like trying to compare rape and murder. You can't say one is worse than the other, and even if you could, it doesn't excuse doing the "lesser one" because both are terrible

He's a sociopath. Sure, he has his reasons for being a sociopath, but that doesn't mean that he is not only a danger to society but also a proven criminal that should be locked down
Jul 20, 2020
Honestly I have no Idea what’s going on... did he brainwash the female lead? I think im gonna have to re-read this whole thing
Jun 5, 2019

Did you even read what I said? Yes he's a villain but what he has done is minor because its easy for him to just kill them all. Then he would be dangerous. If the people around him were normal he wouldn't have had to resort to that.

Lock him up for stealing the time of people who wanted to steal his life? Are you kidding me?

You bring up rape and murder but all you do is blame the victim because they retaliated and say they need to be imprisoned thats what you basically just said. You don't even acknowledge the rapist that was all those people conspiring against him. Disgusting.
Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2018
You really have no idea what you're saying at this point. If someone bursts into your house with a gun, you're allowed to shoot him (at least according to the laws in my country). That doesn't excuse you for killing him and if you do kill that person you do get charged... Still, you obviously can't shoot everyone around him too just in case they are involved

What he did was not self defense, don't delude yourself. Loosely translated, it's what we call in law "use of excessive force" and it's a crime. He managed to stop the people who wanted him dead from killing him? At most, all it took was brainwashing his mother. Maybe his siblings too. Not everyone in the house, and especially not the 2 girls in the story.

Stopping the brainwash and threatening his family a bit would be enough to avoid all his crimes... Now, I know you're gonna say "But what guarantees are there that his family will stop there?". If being able and wanting to do something was a crime, we'd all be hanged.


Oct 26, 2019
Poor nocton! He has been forced to live a life of a villain by his own family. No wonder he doesnt know how to love. I hope he can change for th3 better. His mom deserves eternal punishment. She poisons her own children and laughs while doing so.
Jun 5, 2019

It's not that I don't know what I'm saying its that you're making no effort to.

The servants that badmouthed him and were against him they are the hands that are going to be used, by their mother/brothers aren't going to target him directly. By taking over the minds of the servants he is eliminating any control his family has, at the same time he can use the servants to keep an eye on them. Either way they can do nothing.

Also I can't help wondering if you have a reading problem, I said if he had killed everyone then he would be dangerous but you seem to think I was saying "wanting to" would make him and everyone who ever had those thoughts, hanged. I'm saying if he killed them. IF. Not if he wanted.

It shows to me you can't be bothered to read and comprehend stuff. So I'll try not to waste my time further.

I'll just say this, it's not necessarily your opinion of him needing to be imprisoned I find disturbing. It's you completely ignoring the environment around him that pushed him to taking such extremes acting as if he is the only guilty party in this story. Because he would have died if he did nothing.

Just because he uses excessive force doesn't change the fact that as a child who the thought the world was against him sought to defend himself in the only way he knew from people who were after his life. I agree that he needs to answer to his crimes someday but you are just narrowminded.

Ignoring his dead end reality completely, no matter what excuse you give you are just blaming the victim, so what if he brainwashed his bros and mom? Would that pardon him in your eyes? He would also still be robbing them of their time.

You do realize that the servants are more likely to notice something is up with the mother and his bros if he did and voice their suspicions? It'd be harder to control them because he can't control them their whole lives, they have social lives if he confined them in the house it would be even more suspicious. When his bros get married or go to public gatherings he can't continue to keep an eye on their every move, its easier to protect himself from the people who will be the actual ones to harm him. Servants are easier to control. No one will kick up a fuss over a peasant.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2018
What is going on in this family's any woman would be thankful to have three healthy sons but this crazy psychopath mother is trying to put them against one another and ruin there lives, why?
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 2, 2018
Just kill her. Just kill her and be done with it. Dragging out one problem into many and one line into a tome.
Aggregator gang
Mar 14, 2019
@Bunnymochi He tried to do it, but his hypnosis doesn't work on her. Both him and Valrose thinks he did it, and that's why they can't be honest with each other.
Aug 12, 2018
His mother was a grade A piecr of shit. Once the ml & fl get together, I hope she lets him destroy her for all the evil she's done.

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