First time in a while where a series shows a lot of potential only to put it all in a sinkhole the second MC meets love interest. Why is everything so painfully slow.
Hey it's my favorite 2 dimensional show! Thank you for translating. This comic cracks me up. God I wish I could do an over emotional exaggerated reading an upload it somewhere... but I won't I love your work and I won't endanger it❤
Less mediocre love and more action pls. Now is not the time to flirt kek. Also her move away from him so he could attack her so the prince/emperor could save her was so fucking forced. Panel and art composition didnt help either. Took me a second to realize what had happened.
Lol, did this scumbag just say that he made them a favor by selling them as prostitutes? Oh my
Agree, now is not the time to fall in love, is time to kick some asses! >u<
honestly I want to punch them in the face. let's be honest if this was real leone would be dead cause that idiot keeps talking to the other idiot. AND WHY DON'T THEY KILL ANYBODY IN THIS DAMN COMIC?! THIS SHIT WOULDN'T HAVE ESCALATED IF THESE VILE BASTARDS WERE TAKEN CARE OF FROM THE GET GO