Oh. Now I understand her father's words when he told her to die as a queen and shut up. He's basically an asshole of his time who thinks men can't be wrong and women should just erase their own minds to please some jerk. :l Well, now I don't feel as bad for his death, he wouldn't let her live freely anyways.
And btw, I'm so slow XDDD I didn't understand at first that she was going to become the "Evil Knight" (as the title says). I guess it's logic since she's the MC and in the cover, she looks like one, but idk why a part of me thought the evil knight was going to be the ML hahaha.
Mmmm, I want to know the witch's story as well, she cursed him because she didn't want him to fall in love with anyone or why? It makes sense for him to be so sensitive to smell if he's a wolf after all. Ty for the chapters guys, virtual hug. :3