This is quite an interesting concept, but I wish the author had actually made this beginning difficult for the MC. In the zero chapter we saw that monster is nigh unstoppable even facing firearms, but in the game the xenomorph species wasn't popular due to a lack of cooperation aspects and because the beginning was too difficult. However, so far the MC has encountered no difficulties whatsoever. Even the practically unlimited protein bar food supply was behind "1234" password and cockroaches were running everywhere, granting useful upgrades. The spaceship has no motion sensors or other things hampering him. He can unscrew ventilation shaft grates with his appendages. His hypersense sees laser beams, allows him to jump between the blades of fans, tells him which control panel buttons to press to achieve what he wants.
If this is extreme difficulty, I can't help but wonder what playing as a human or some other species is like. A human player probably starts as the captain of a Death Star. Dude better hope he never encounters another player, haha.