thank you for the chapter, its sad to see the Otaku go but the wholesome chapter start made up for it to an extent. It was interesting seeing the "madam's" take on their employees. This was a fun chapter and it was sad to see that's how Alma thinks of herself and other androids even though Minami and Akira and the others to an extent treat her like a true friend and associate. Fingers still crossed for that route.
Lol ouch I haven't seen anything Genshiken related since I was in college.
I think this manga pulls off the gender-bender pretty well...
... and daem, it's good to have MCs who are not complete horn dogs...
Yappari, it feels good to read manga where they don't yell out attack names every panel...
So the alma has sexual sensory added?
Lol, the mafia need to learn to do fast draw. Why he is just looking when the enemy leap to the air? It took few seconds to jump, acrobatic turn, and down kick or slash.