EX-ARM - Vol. 3 Ch. 19 - Panzer Maid

Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2019
thank you for the update sir, loved the chapter title, the cutaway leaving the fate of the doctor up in the air, and the brief sweet moment of Alma and Minami showing them being just gals being pals. I'm guessing though that Akira's new vessel/hoopty is in the semi coming to assist Minami and the rest of the squad?
Aug 1, 2020
Thank you for another Chapter! And what a crazy Chapter it is indeed. My suspicion was right about Number 13 teleporting things, instead of erasing them. Damn, this arc is soo good!
Group Leader
Jul 5, 2019
Next chapter will be the end of volume 3. I'm not sure if this arc is wrapped up or not because I haven't read it yet. But, I'm really liking where it's going right now. I hope the next storyline is as good.
Dec 26, 2020
At this point, I suppose we can all safely bet that Molau is dead. I'd be very surprised if he isn't.
Aug 1, 2020
@O-Takuni It seems like it, but the mangaka could be employing “reverse psychology”, making us believe he’s dead (although that looks to be rather unlikely).

Molau definitely looks paralyzed, especially at the end of Chapter 17 (his head slumped over in what seems to be a modern-looking wheelchair. But if he’s dead, then (unless Elmira is not just some android, but somehow part-human) EX-ARM 13 can’t be used. Only humans can use EX-ARMs. We saw a part of No.13 in the previous Chapter. Elmira doesn’t visibly possess it, yet is able to use it. Then we have the whole shtick with the Bipod mech somehow boosting No.13’s capabilities. Only time will tell.

All great mysteries that I hope have satisfying answers.
Aug 1, 2020
@Talon13184 A Volume ending doesn’t mean the arc is ending (case in point: the previous arc). If I had to guess, I’d say there’re still 2-3 Chapters left of this arc. Much requires answers, along with the final fight between the police, UN, Leon/Nguyen’s men and Molau/Elmira.

I honestly hope that the arcs following this one, get exponentially better and better as the story progresses. It’s a serious bar, that’s been set by the mangaka, to have such a good arc so early on in the story.
Dec 26, 2020
@Angelopolagej Well yeah, that's the thing. He HAS to be dead at this point (it's staring us in the face), but his body looks fine (from the few glances we've seen in this chapter, aka not rotting or decayed), so that means either he just died recently, he's only brain-dead, he's somehow kept alive and is comatose, or he's aware but paralyzed.

Or maybe he's dead after all (then frozen or embalmed) and Elmira has an accomplice.
Or Elmira is part-human.

I'll shut up now.
Aug 1, 2020
@O-Takuni Yeah... Now that I’m re-reading the Chapter, it seems very likely that he’s dead and that Elmira thinks she’s getting orders from him, when she’s actually assuming what he’d want from her. That would actually be really cool. She can’t comprehend that her master’s dead. His body might be decaying. We conveniently never see his skin, clearly. The hair is there, so he must’ve died recently.

The accomplice writing choice doesn’t make sense to me. It wouldn’t feel all that satisfying to have some random person behind the scenes who just NOW surfaces and (probably) gets killed.

An unrelated observation: Elmira’s lower body is cut off, which means she’s become one with the Biped mech. Don’t know why this is. It could be that No.13 is inside of her, so by directly connecting herself to the mech, it’s able to boost the effects somehow.
Dec 26, 2020
@Angelopolagej I also don't think that having an accomplice appear at this stage is a reasonable choice, so I just listed it as a possibility. There needs to be someone human there, so...
Apr 15, 2019
@O-Takuni he might be decapitated as well similarly to how he preserved all those heads in jars in that flashback.

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