Far East Chimera - Ch. 37 - Connected Lives

Dex-chan lover
Feb 8, 2018
They already knew where the mother was. That was the whole reason Kuu showed up in the first place was cause they found her. The giant chimera under where they were fighting. Plenty of other loose ends though. Like the fact that Kuu was created by a human organization. Is what it is though I guess. No idea why they always get so axe happy with these.
First, just because they knew she was down there doesn't mean they had the means to get to her. That's where Nitro's expertise in explosives would have come into play, particularly since every top hunter had an arc that showed them off and their reasons for fighting. Secondly, the past with the human organization is literally not important to the characters aside from Kuu, so with his death, aside from maybe Nitro, no character had any reason to even look into that. The story has always been about enjoying living in the present and thinking of an even happier tomorrow
Dex-chan lover
May 5, 2023
great art, story was fun, the pacing had some hiccups in my opinion but the journey to the conclusion was worth the read. Sad it's over, but I'm glad it's ending on a high note with a nice wrap up!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
Thanks for the chapters and all the work on the series. I really enjoyed this and I pray it gets licensed for an English release someday. It definitely had more room to grow and run but it was still solid throughout regardless
Dex-chan lover
Jul 16, 2019
This was great, even if story left much unexplored. I think the final chapter has been my only disappointment with this title, seeing that it just went through the motions of wrapping things up and left no taste. A pity, but no regrets picking this up~
Jun 27, 2023
Felt like this was wrapping up since the arc against the researcher. The story just never built up much for where it would be going in the future. No hints of a more organized chimera society beyond the initial big bad or mentions of places to go and do things. Without anything to look forward to, it just felt like it had to end soon.

Not that that's a bad thing. Not every story has to be interested in deep world-building. In fact, when that's the case, I'm quite happy with everything ending gracefully instead of trying to clumsily keep things going by introducing new threats out of no where.

It was a fun and unique setting, the art was nice, and we had some great battles. I hope to see more from Itabashi Daisuke in the future.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Really sad it was so short but I really liked every chapter of it ! Thanks for the translation and I hope the author will comeback with a new story someday !
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Axed? Yeah, no surprise there.
First chapter was awesome, I liked the MC and her philosophy and lifestyle. A lone warrior in a fantastical world, amazing!
….and then everything went downhill when the author introduced the other characters. What a bland, uninspiring, boring story this became. Nothing original, everything done before, and better. Dropped it around Ch. 20.

I‘m suprised people liked it that much. Guess the average Mangadex reader needs to train their eye to recognize quality.
This certainly ain‘t it.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 3, 2018
Axed? Yeah, no surprise there.
First chapter was awesome, I liked the MC and her philosophy and lifestyle. A lone warrior in a fantastical world, amazing!
….and then everything went downhill when the author introduced the other characters. What a bland, uninspiring, boring story this became. Nothing original, everything done before, and better. Dropped it around Ch. 20.

I‘m suprised people liked it that much. Guess the average Mangadex reader needs to train their eye to recognize quality.
This certainly ain‘t it.
Not everyone wants a Foei Gras for dinner every day; sometimes people enjoy a decent enough roast duck. But alas, sorry we don't have such a refined taste like you do.
Jan 29, 2024
Glad this series at least got a chance to get published and end on decent terms. Very much a series that gave me God Eater feels all the way through, and I appreciate that as a fan of that series.
Double-page supporter
Feb 1, 2020
First, just because they knew she was down there doesn't mean they had the means to get to her. That's where Nitro's expertise in explosives would have come into play, particularly since every top hunter had an arc that showed them off and their reasons for fighting. Secondly, the past with the human organization is literally not important to the characters aside from Kuu, so with his death, aside from maybe Nitro, no character had any reason to even look into that. The story has always been about enjoying living in the present and thinking of an even happier tomorrow
Didn't say anything about Nitro. They went there to kill the mother from the start. Kuu just happened to show up. No arc necessary. The past with the human organization is exceptionally important. They literally created one of the greatest chimera menaces out there. One that could change people against their will. Are they all dead? If not, then that's a problem.

Dunno why your trying to explain the theme of the story to me lol. I'm just pointing out potential plot points they could've done/didn't wrap up. The mother could've been a longer arc just like Kuu, the organization, or Nitro could've been a longer arc. Hell, they could've gone more into the fact the planet literally hates them. This is all true. However, they were wrapped up quickly due to the axe. Nothing about the stories themes matter in that regard.

We're just lucky the author managed to give us a decent enough ending. Props to them for that. Ginka & Glüna's manga was decapitated lightning fast out of nowhere. Just had the main baddie we hadn't even seen show up out of nowhere just as the journey was about to start. Sidelined the protagonist to have the mentor figure fight instead. Then it was over in like a chapter or two lol.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2020
That's a manga i'll buy when it's released in my country. It's good to read a story that dont drag on forever for no reason.
Thanks for translating it until the end.

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