Hi CCC SE.RA.PH readers, December has been a bad month for me. I lost my grandmother and dog and had final exams to prepare for and to take, so I have left this series on the back burner for a while. I have scripts and cleaned/redrawn raws ready on chapter 9 which I'll typeset and upload in the coming couple days. Chapter 10.2 releases on January 14th, so I'll be back in the translating groove by then hopefully. I bought the digital versions of both volume 1 and 2 so I will be doing any extra pages from those after I'm caught up with the series. I'll also be fixing any mistakes in the earlier chapter releases with the new digital raws if I think they're any better than what I had from the web-ace site. If you have anything that needs correction, join our discord https://discord.gg/NNWRghK and PM me.