Fate/stay night

Jun 14, 2020
@GodBoy2 Sorry you had to write this overly long post, but yeah it was a total joke. In the first place is there any anime watcher, let alone manga reader who doesn't know of Fate/Stay Night? Think about it, those that read manga are even more hardcore into the medium than just ordinary anime watchers. So it's hard to believe someone like that would ever be completely ignorant of the existence of the Fate series.

Btw, I don't really like FGO. It feels like they have cheapened the concept of a battle royale with that needlessly huge cast. You can't focus on each one of them with so much dilution. I can even argue that FGO is not really something that overly-concerns itself with being a good story. It's a mobile game made in order to make money from gatcha. Obviously luscious waifus bring a lot more money than a good plot does.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 10, 2018
Emiya Kitchen happened because Hallow Atraxia fucked up the FSN various endings and timelines and merging it into one, a'la what happened with Elder Scroll "Warp in the West", where all ending happened even if it contradicts each other and because someone found a God-like mecha that controls localized time and flipping its orgasm lever so many time it broke itself.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 14, 2019
@GodBoy2 Holy fuck, you actually wrote long ass reply to an obvious joke 😩

@Leonhart93 Well, the huge cast is just for gacha purposes lol. The important characters are just... What? No more than 10? And of course it changed the concept of a a battle Royale, you can't just have all Fate related stuff being battle royales... Lord El-Melloi isn't a battle royale for example...
Sep 27, 2019

Oh, don't worry, I had a feeling it was a joke, but I just rolled with it.


I haven't played that much of FGO, so I can't say if the story is good or not (I have enjoyed a lot of its adaptations). I can say that I think a lot of concepts introduced are interesting.

I can understand the problem with the large cast, but it's definitely for gacha money.

Also, as @AnotherRat says, not every Fate thing needs a battle royale. However, that is (besides Servants), in my opinion, one of the most iconic aspects of the franchise, so I can understand why changing it would feel weird.
Oct 15, 2019
Can someone who has read the original fate route from the VN tell me how faithful this manga has been? I tried to read VN but I don't really like the VN style, maybe one day I can get to it but no promises.

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