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Jan 31, 2018
As someone who has been following this series for a long time already in the Naver Webtoon website, I'm glad it's having finally some attention to get it translated in English (inb4 U.S.' LINE licenses it), because this series is VERY interesting, in general (even though they initially sold it as somewhat of a "funny" series...

...It's not. I assure you, you are going to hate Woojoo in the first 10 chapters... you will see what I mean with it, although the first chapter makes the hint obvious...)

There was some recent news (from April) that this series is (apparently?) getting adapted for a k-drama later this year, but MAN, oh MAN, I'm not very... trustful they will get it correctly (starting from the casting, even though there's nothing official about that, yet).
Mar 7, 2019
I love this series and I've read it up to ch 100 or so, I know the MC is unbearable at the beginning but the story is really good so stick with it. I'm glad somebody is taking the time to translate the series for the English audience, but the translations aren't very accurate, it misses out on a lot of dialogue. Some of the more important ones that help with characterization:

In chapter 1 (at the end) Minwoo is cussing "I (fucking) told you to speak, and you actually (fucking) spoke, but your pronunciation is really (fucking) great, hm?" He cusses a lot when he talks in most of his dialogue.

In chapter 2 she's not saying "I'm not going to see him" she's saying "I'm not going to just let him get away" (like she did with the first dude who transferred to another school). When he woke up and saw her there was "Embarrassment, fear, AND disgust". She doesn't say "Oppa we've met before" she says "Oppa let's date". She doesn't think she's giving up on herself to keep him she thinks "I'm gifting myself to oppa (slave basically), sacrificing myself is the only way to keep oppa". She doesn't think "I'll cheer him up tomorrow" she says "I'll work hard tomorrow too". She's also more aggressive towards Yoona "Mind your own business Woo Yoona".

In chapter 3 she notices that "He goes out often at night for several days at a time, and he showers before coming back." It's not "I kept it back on the table to make it less obvious (???)" it's "He left it on the table on purpose". Her monologue "I have to make a choice, oppa I don't want to let you go....etc" is actually "I have to make a choice, do I let oppa go or beg him to stay even if if things are like this (he's cheating) it doesn't matter". His break up "You still don't (fucking) understand the situation, sitting here with a fat (fucking) pig like you is a big deal. I've already put up with you for 2 (fucking) years, it's time for you to leave." The reason why she decides to dump him but then tries to hang on is solely because he showed up in a suit and she thinks it's hot "You leave me no choice" L M A O. Then he slaps her and runs off (this whole situation is so absurd it's comedic) and she thinks “Oppa is fleeing, as if he's avoiding a cockroach" not "Running away like a leech".

So yeah these characters are all much more awful than the translation makes them sound.
Edit: this is in no way an attack on the translators, they're doing good work, I just wanted to help flesh out how truly awful these people are.
Aug 3, 2019
@Poortagonist yes this is slightly true there were parts that I filtered because I didn't think it would affect the story . And as for the bug part I chose leech for a reason if you look at woojoo she's well a “special” person. I can't exactly say that a leech is the best insect to describe her . She is a type of person who... Well has very peculiar taste and she Will suck up or shower the person with gifts just so they will stay with her. Maybe it's because she doubts anyone would like her so in a way she's a leech I won't say she feeds off of them but she needs them to the point it turns into some obsession. And maybe to others they see her as a cockroach they need to stay away from because it's dirty
Mar 7, 2019
@potatoloverscans Yes leech is fine in that sentence it's just that 'running away like a leech' makes it sound like the guy is the leech. The sentence was 'fleeing, as if avoiding an (insect, leech, roach, etc)'.

The story is really character driven and what I like about it is the way the author presents these very different characters through their dialogue, thoughts, and actions and how they slowly develop and change throughout. So I thought it would help people understand their characterization if I added a bit more information, I'm just excited because I hope the English fans will enjoy it as much as I do haha.

Really how the author writes these characters make them feel so tangible in their thoughts and motivations, their story and struggles and how my impressions of them changed as the story went on really struck me.
Aug 3, 2019
Yes that's why I started translating it although it looks a bit weird now I will improve soon . Woojoo is someone I can relate to in a way . It's an interesting story with diverse characters . Someone even compared minwoo to a a mosquito meaning he feeds off of someone until he's satisfied and then leaves when he has no use for them
Fed-Kun's army
May 7, 2019
Damn this is painful to read. Definitely relate as a not so good looking person, and I hope we get to see the main character begin to find an identity outside of being "loved"/obsess about boys.
Sep 12, 2019
@Poortagonist wow really? so much of the context was blown apart from proportion! Thanks for pointing it out... i would have not know if you hadn't pointed such things....


apart from so much missed out context and mistype translation, the translator openly admits that he's changing the context to his suit....?
Really? seriously??
why not just rewrite the whole story as u feel like...

it was already hard enough to read through the typesetting but also adulteration of context?
sorry bruh, i m out.
Sep 17, 2018
wow thank you @Poortagonist ... that explains it. i just found this and the trans felt very weird.

@potatoloverscans why you think this is okay??? you used google translate??? if yes i can do that myself -_- were you just writing your own story over the drawing or what!! they make absolutely no sense.
Aug 3, 2019
Sorry for the inconveniences. We are going to re-edit the scanlation with help of a proofreader and a typesetter for readability and constancy. I was originally working on the translation alone from the get go, so, that's why there were lots of mistakes from my part, even though I didn't mean to make it look that way.
Jan 18, 2018

Don't worry too much. A couple people in here have... kind of been jerks in how they phrase their "critique", and I'm kind of embarrassed about that on behalf of the rest of us all.

(Having proofreaders is always good, though.)

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