Fechippuru - Bokura no Innocent Love - Vol. 1 Ch. 8 - The Desired Legs

Group Leader
Apr 28, 2018
If フェチップル = Fetish + Couple, then its romanisation should be Feti'ple
Dex-chan lover
Jul 11, 2018
Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2018
@Maiorem: Actually, フェチップル being romanized as *Fetipple* is perfectly correct, as ッ results in the gemination of the subsequent consonant.

Speaking of which, I just realized why the "p" is even geminated to begin with: "fetish" as a Japanese loanword is フェティッシュ (fetisshu), which is commonly shortened to フェチ (fechi); while "couple" as a loanword is カップル (kappuru). All that happened is that the author used the abbreviated form of the first word, took out "ka" from "kappuru", and combined the two.
Group Leader
Apr 28, 2018
@MarqFJA87 I wasn't talking about a direct transliteration. I took note of the ッ, hence I included the ' in the proposed romanisation.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2018
Leg fetish - imouto has taste & sophistication beyond her years. I approve & hope her wish for a quick marriage & subsequent sexual harassment of her new sister-in-law comes to pass.
Feb 11, 2019
@traveling_chef to reply I need to spoil so don't click if you don't want to see it but
yes, she is a fucking whore who slept with someone before. I hope MC fucks her on the side and dump her when he is done or keep her as a side piece. Author ruined her and the story by making it seems so cute and fluffy, but hides the fact that FMC is a used-condom and only reveals it until later when everyone already invested into the story.
Aggregator gang
Nov 26, 2018
okay i'm curious, since which chapter did the author reveal that? You got your point when the author ruined fluffylovey mood of the story, but calling her a whore just because she is not virgin anymore is just lol Well it depends on how bad of the direction it went but in general who would care about something trivival like that
Dex-chan lover
Mar 23, 2018
because it's long and I dont want to congest the comment section too bad, spoiler tag.
@virginhunter this is ignorant, you think because she has done the very human thing of looking for a partner who matches her, she is a whore? so what if she slept with some other person? that doesn't change whether Yunoki loves her and that doesn't change THESE twos fluffy love for each other.
(honestly, it's odd that Yunoki is a virgin. he is a young strapping lad, with good physique, and barring his fetish, a good head on his shoulders, decent personality, and seems to be a kind soul)

Imagine for a second, you meet the perfect partner, their look and personality is everything you wanted from a woman.
she thinks you are everything she was looking for in a person.

you date for a time and feel really comfortable around one another, so much so she feels comfortable telling you about her life in its entirety, tells you how she had a previous relationship, but the guy wasn't really what she wanted, or she was young and didn't understand what she wanted, or he hid who he really was from her until it was too late.

so you, what? dump her on the street, give her a nasty look, and call her a whore?

all because she followed her heart and was led astray or she listened to those chemicals we all have in our brains telling us we really dig a person?

NO. this is just sad, pathetic, and short-sighted. if this is how you feel then I feel sorry for you.

women (and men for that matter) don't need to hold themselves as some virginal altar waiting for Mr. or Mrs. right to swoop in and be the one they want. people are dumb, impulsive, and human. everyone was young once and make mistakes or decisions they regret. they have chemicals flying through their brains telling them how they think they should feel and people also lie and hide who they really are to make something happen with other people.

honestly, if I was someone and they were as far as I knew the perfect partner, but after sex, they said "whew, it's a good thing you were a virgin or a would have dumped your ass" not only would I feel hurt, I would feel I just made the same mistake all over again. I listened to my dumb heart or dumb brain chemicals to get with a person who I thought I knew who they were. I thought they loved me for who I really am but no, they only loved me because I was a virgin.

I would dump that kinda sleazy scumbag in a second, even if I loved them before, now that I knew their true colors there is no way I could be with such a person. who thinks so one-dimensionally about a person.

just because someone has had a previous relationship, you hate them for being a whore?

if that's how you think I'm sorry.
this is all I have to say about the matter.

@MavB_Ver Virginhunter would apparently.
Feb 11, 2019
Idk japanese so I am not for sure but, based on the raws I've seen and another reader who told me it's hinted me that way, I came to that conclusion myself. However, I really really REALLY hope I'm wrong. I can link you the raws and the comment if you want to find out yourself. And trivial? Son, you're out of your mind. Let me make a comparison so you can understand this better. Giving your all to a non virgin is like eating someones feces. Basically, you're eating something that is already used and digested by someone else. Why in the world would you want a second-hand trash? I mean, there are people out there who will settle, but personally I want my things new.

@traveling_chef My man, I'm going to be real with you. I really wanted to read what you said about me and give you a rebuttal, but that shit is way too long. You got a tl;dr?
Aggregator gang
Nov 26, 2018
@virginhunter uhm yes, please link me to that
I call that trivival because all that matters in a relationship is that they love each other, or at least they feel satisfying being close with their partner.

The one out of one's mind is you. Say, if you were in a relationship before then for some reasons things didn't go your way and you had to break up, then that means you are forbidden to search for your love once again? Ridiculous, not to mention your comparision is inappropriate. They are humans not some goods for your use. Take it another way, if a girl want to marry only a absolutely virgin male homo sapiens, in which way can she tell if he is one or not? Is the virgin thing apply to girls only eh?

You can keep your way of thinking, search for "things" that is new and keep them for life, "things" that you don't care about their love, their thinking, never put any trust in them. I hope you can find one.

Tl;dr keep your obsession towars one's virginity to yourself and don't go and call people a whore just because she slept with someone before. She's not things or goods for your kind of people to judge
Feb 11, 2019
First of all, thank you for the tl;dr haha. Anyways, I'm only trying to correct all the misguided people in this chat and hopefully the author. My way of thinking is not uncommon if you think about it realistically. You can take a look anywhere and you'll see that males who fucked a lot of females are looked-up to, whereas if it's the opposite then the females would be shamed. Double standard, I know, but it is reality. Your view is idealistically cute, but naive. So yes, FMC is a bitch and a whore. Also, as long as I don't violate any rules I can post whatever I want and the same applies for you. I hope I convinced you to join my cause because you and I both deserve the best (virgins) and we shouldn't settle for trash. Anyways, check your PM for the goodies.


Active member
Apr 30, 2018
So is this gonna be another romcon manga where the MCs asymptotically approach fucking each other but never do. Feels that way.
Sep 25, 2018
@virginhunter Just for reference, what would your stance be if for instance this chapter's imouto married someone, her husband died and then she fell in love with someone else... Would she still be a "fucking whore" with your words? Or do you think people are not allowed to fall in love with more than 1 person in their lifetime?

Anyways great chapter, this thing is actually getting romantic development last few chapters so excited for more ^_^
Sep 17, 2018
@virginhunter @traveling_chef
Can offend someone so dont click if you dont want to read
On chapter 1 page 7 it says "her first love", so if she has slept with someone before, it makes her a fucking slut. And if she isn't a virgin it makes the title "our innocent love" full on bullshit. Because only virgins can have innocent love.

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