you guys are pumping chapters every couple hours...
im starting to wonder if you are ok health wise... its ok to take a break ok? dont you go dying on me now...
that being said, thanks for the translations... i wonder how longer will they keep holding up and i cant wait to see them just failing to keep control over their urges XD
They are both idiots. Their relationship has compleately stagnated because they have to keep holding themselves back all the time. Before the ban their relationship was atleast progressing.
jepp instead of making the next day the fetish day they went into drama mode. Two adults with brains of walnut size for reasoning and the rest controlled by their fetish.
I don't get her fetish tho. Girl's hair is objectively beautiful but the dude has a normal, unmuscular back.
I guess its some kind of wish fulfillment where the readers can imagine a girl that is inexplicably attracted to only their specific body.
wow...this is, before the fetish ban they could at least have a "normal" conversation, hug and occasionally have a legitimate "normal" romantic moment, now they cant even see each other or even talk.