FFF-Class Trashero - Vol. 1 Ch. 11

May 5, 2018
Reminder that the elves he's killing are racial supremacists that hate humans, he's basically killing fantasy nazis
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2019
@monkey123 No, he definitely is not the hero we need, he's neither the hero we deserve...he's the hero we got. lol (That's how their world is probably feeling.)

@sonicboom750 Yea, kill the racists!
...but the slavery thing is being done here the other way around though?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
@walter_vi_britannia I have troubles believing the allied forces took no prisoners-of-war from the axis forces. Not to mention, wasn't the reason an artist could incite the nazis by providing them with scapegoats in the first place, because said (future-)nazis essentially felt like slaves following losing a prior war? Meaning, all nazis are elves, and it is both historically accurate and correct for us to enslave them as much as we want in our depraved fantasy novels!!
Sep 16, 2018
I don't get the lvl system here, he got exp. equivalent to kill a lvl 800+ 5 times, why is his level not higher?
Active member
Aug 3, 2019
Guess he wanted levels that bad, no matter how dirty. (damn, all are in the 100s range)
Moderator: Back to the reset world you go, F personality!

Me: If those were some evil non-like species phobia, torture-inducing elves then I guess it would turn to B personality
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2019
@feha Yea, as they say, all is fair in love and war...which in another way means, nothing is fair.
There is no pretty side to war. No good or evil. It's just humans fighting against humans for their greed, their own benefit. Anything that's not with them is against them basically.

Justified or not, he was in a kill or be killed position. Just because he planned through and is overwhelming them doesn't make him the bad guy. If only he was barely hanging on and desperately surviving here people would've had a completely different reaction in the comment section.
If you look at the big picture, he's not really doing anything bad.

A den of blackmarket criminals got outed and the elves who were all supposed to die, one to be turned into a slave, and the other to live the rest of her life in guilt...well, they're all dead now. Initially it was the fault of the elf queen, but now it's the fault of the MC. Result is not much different, he knows what was supposed to happen originally so what's the problem of changing the cause a bit if it benefits him? He IS the hero you know? His gaining of strength is their salvation basically.

So even if he was a good person, I still wouldn't feel very bad for him doing this. So far his actions are still quite mild. If people are already having trouble with this, they definitely shouldn't read any further.
Active member
May 11, 2018
i agree that his actions are pretty mild in comparison to other stories of this ilk, whos protagonists gleefully engage in repeated torture rape and murder, mind control and slavery to a much much higher degree than this dude has or probably will.

this dude is just ping ponging between pragmatic, pretty and excessive, is all.

call me when he starts repeatedly mutilating elf princess and then healing her so he can do it again. then maybe i'll be a little pertubed.

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