Fight Class 3 - Ch. 77 - Round 77: Big 3 Villain

Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Every new chapter is so exciting but turns my stomach inside out... While I love the interaction between Han Dae-man and Maria, especially the bit where she tells him to shut up cos it's summer break, Ji-tae's personality goes at full display here and it hurts :< He's definitely projecting onto the twins right now when talking about weakness, and this personality is probably gonna stay until Maria leaves/changes (unlikely), or a friend from class beats him up and snaps him out of it (my bet's on Ha-min or So-wol).

Also, idk why but the guy on last page makes me feel like he's from fight class 3 :x
Group Leader
Jan 26, 2018
Hi @sodiumachine.

First of all, thank you for pointing this out. I spoke with the TL, who told me that the word in the original text is 새끼 (saekki) which is a "super disrespectful term to call someone, especially when you have never met them before" but doesn't have a direct TL in English. However, I understand that the specific word used this time could be taken as offensive by some readers. That's why it's been changed to "bastard" which is a term that's already been used on previous translations.

I just want to make clear that there was no ill will in the use of that word and that we understand why some readers might have an issue with it. Thanks again for pointing this out. Please, have a good day.
Mar 17, 2020
To the people that are saying that Ji-tae's personality did a 180, the old Ji-tae is better, he needs to revert back and that he needs someone to bring him back to reality well... this is the reality that he has been facing since he met Maria and the the same reality that he's going to face from here on onwards, I mean do you guys honestly think that he'd be able to survive future encounters with that timid personality of his let alone stand in front of his father who is know to be a walking mass of pure violence, the guy pondered on whether he's right or wrong with every punch he threw at his opponents and even tried to find justification to his violence which only made him wander off even further from reality plus that kind of thinking reeks of weakness and would endanger him even further considering the path that he chose for himself.
Hypothetically speaking we never got a Tunnel arc then what? He keeps on training and keeps on being mediocre, stuck at a certain level which we all know know isn't gonna get him far and not even close to achieving his goal.
From what I saw so far Ji-tae is still far from reaching Fight Class 3, Let's compare him to his Fight Class classmates, they all have a presence in the room/ring and know how to carry themselves in other words "Fighters" while our poor dude didn't even have a mean face.
As for him getting snapped back to reality by another person, I think Ji-tae got his fair share of snapping don't you think(Considering he had his face smashed in half of the time which is normal unless you want this to be your average Shounen Manga with explosive growth and OP results) plus snap him back to what? believing and using the power of friendshiphelplessness ?
Point is Both Ji-tae and Maria are dysfunctional and there are even more dysfunctional characters than Ji-tae in the story but I'm not hearing anyone criticizing them while our MC started coming out of his shell and cussing a few people here and there trying to change the way he thinks, I believe it's one of those break it "Until it sticks" kind of changes and I like it.
Wow this argument(rant) is a mess so I'll stop here
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 24, 2020
It is understandable that many people complain about Ji-tae's 180 turn since his angst was never developed. Even when he started street fighting he was never a fully violent person just like in the previous chapters. He just got beat up by his classmate and now he's an edgelord. I don't mind him being edgy now, even though it feels a little forced, but want I want to see is Ji-tae suffer the consequences of his action and grow more as a character.
Active member
Mar 3, 2019
It's really crazy how a lot of readers don't get the MC's internal struggle despite being laid out from the very beginning of the series. Yet, those who complained about him being too weak are the same ones complaining about him being "edgy" now even though his violent side was heavily hinted and foreshadowed throughout the course of the story. Please go back and pay attention to Ji-tae's characterization the whole way through before saying his change in attitude doesn't make sense.


Despite what the comedy and wholesome character interactions might have you think from time to time, this is a tragic story about two orphans who're deep into the path of violence and revenge. If you expected their journey to be all "sunshine and rainbows" then you picked the wrong story to read.
Fed-Kun's army
May 11, 2020
man. he is like maria year ago. fucking wild.

i guess he would melowdown eventually, like maria

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