Fights Breaking Through The Heavens - Ch. 235 - Blood Pool Fiery Poison

Dex-chan lover
Mar 22, 2018
No comparison to that no group upload earler. Their wuality is just a big stinking pile of shit compared to this here.
Jul 22, 2018
alright, the quality is way better, but =>
" release without permission from the current holder of the series" ? dont you know that scanlating is pirating already ? and that you have no right over the original work ?
" unauthorized chapter " ? once again => from who ? I'm sorry you have no legal right over the series.

last but nonetheless => you releasing those chapter in the flash mean only one thing => the chapter were ready, you just refused to release them because you are after the money from your patreon and were waiting for them to pay more before releasing it !

So yeah, thx for the work, but stop thinking you have any legal right over the serie and that no other group can take the serie ...
Power Uploader
Jan 19, 2018
1. We were talking about the courtesy between scanlations groups to not snipping what others have been doing unless they have dropped it.
2. The chapter was rushed through PR and TS stage to be released sooner than the expected date of Nov 15th so we can mitigate the negative impacts which the low quality scans has brought to our series.
3. $600 (patreon support) divided by 15 (active staffs). You do the math.
4. Lighten up buddy, you don't have to be so critical of a tiny scans group. ?
Active member
Apr 15, 2018

"I'm sorry you have no legal right over the series."

We never claimed to have legal right over the series (or any series under WCP). I don't fully understand how your pulling/twisting our use of the word unauthorized into "Hey! You're legally not allowed to be releasing this chapter; we own the rights and have the authors blessing!" when in reality it's more "Hey! We're still actively releasing the series with the original scanlators (RMT) permission. We never dropped the series." I'll see if I can modify the word choice since I hope that's not how it's coming across for others.

" release without permission from the current holder of the series" ? dont you know that scanlating is pirating already ? and that you have no right over the original work ? " unauthorized chapter " ? once again => from who ?

Readmanga.Today is the current group that has been releasing BTTH chapters for a very long time; and they allowed us to work alongside them. It wouldn't be right for another group to just come in a swoop in and start working on that series.

I didn't intend for it to be read in that way; but now I'm starting to think the message speaks more to scanlators than it does readers. In scanlation we have an unspoken rule to never Hijack another series aggressively and if a group does do that; they're usually shamed among us. I'm glad we decided to withhold the groups name since we only just found out from the group that they only intended for it to be released on their blog. It was actually a reader that uploaded the chapter to mangakalot and not the group which released the chapter publicly. Regardless of this fact- Readmanga.Today has full honor 'invisible' rights (unsure how to write this to you) to decide who can work on the series and who cannot for English releases; because they've been releasing chapters for it for a very long time. I'm not saying they own the legal rights; but ultimately BTTH has been translated, proofreadied, typeset, and uploaded by Demonic Scanlations (absorbed into us), Readmanga.Today, and then White Cloud Pavilion. You're suppose to ask another group who is actively releasing a series if they're willing to drop a series officially. Neither RMT or WCP has done this and thus other groups should respect the unspoken rules.

I will probably write an update on the next chapter to clear things up with better word choice.

last but nonetheless => you releasing those chapter in the flash mean only one thing => the chapter were ready, you just refused to release them because you are after the money from your patreon and were waiting for them to pay more before releasing it !

False. I want to make it known that the chapter we just released was in no way ready and had only just finished being translated this morning. It was after we discovered the chapter to be released publicly (after RMT contacted and informed us) did we 'rush' the release. Normally- 235 would hit our patron mangareader and then push out after a single week since the series is on Active Status (fast release track). We would then have 236 pushed out to patrons and 235 would release to the public. We release more than 30 chapters a month for the past 2 years. October 2018 we released 36 total chapters. I can assure you that each chapter you read for BTTH is paid for (Operating, Translating, Proofreading, Typesetting, and even uploading to patron mangareaders, and the public. Every single position is paid. The more you support- the more we release.

Feel free to join our discord (at the bottom) and ask more questions about how we operate. I'm sure it would be an eye opening experience and you'd see us in a better light.

Public discord:
Dex-chan lover
Jun 4, 2018
Not that I don't understand your problem, but that credit note is a bit unwelcome, annoying to be precise.
the use "permission holder" and "unauthorized" is a bit of strong words, considering all of that is non-written common agreement/courtesy among scanlation group.
as long as you are not license holder those word is just unwelcome to anyone who want faster release or just simply read.

but again quality release is always welcome and as lecher myself I do reread any release with better quality and simply wait patiently for any release.

while I don't against this patreon stuff and I do hope more people support, I do hate this recent patreon-release-holding culture or that old donation-quota-release-holding culture.

Also thank for the scanlation.
Dex-chan lover
May 29, 2018
Youbamanga is a sniper who constantly realeases bad quality chapters.
And he doesn't seem to be sticking to any one manga or targeting a specific scanlator group.
As far as I know he isn't a group, just someone that likes a to troll release chapters.
He's been banned numerous times and had also had his chapters removed on number of occasions.

With how bad the translations and chapter quality people will automatically be waiting for the chapters done by original scanlators.

Also as a side point youbamanga had released half a chapter,quite possibly trying to force people to go to his site to see the rest of it, or that's all he had the time to do before the official scanlator release.

I'm not sure why simca27 has taken what was posted as about the legality , but you have fans of your scanlation here that know what you were meaning to say and how hard you guys work on your projects.
Active member
Apr 15, 2018
@shyevsa I 100% agree and we have just completely rewritten the note to be far less hostile and it should better explain things.

It will go live on our website very shortly- and then mangadex in the next 15 minutes and finally on RMT in the next few hours. A small blessing is that I don't think our chapter release was picked up by other websites with our less friendly note attached.

I sort of wish we could go back to releasing directly to the public- but the idea was to reward patrons for supporting us.
It was a good decision in the short run- but a not so great one in the long run.
Nov 1, 2018
1 / I post what I want on my site and i don't steal the work from anyone , i don't know who share my translation in mangakaklot and mangarock .
2 / You are not a painter or author for that don't tell me im rogue -.-
anyway idc about the opinion i'm person not a group for that re translate the chapter and ask the old site to share it
Aggregator gang
Apr 4, 2018
I do not think he can make a pill that is stroneger (level higer) than he is himself? (maybe?)
Nov 1, 2018
@Yamibi hello im master pill youba
i can sell you some youba pill to make you genuis and happy
youba pill or the zetla you can name it " layachi kokota too "
it's now in my site with 0.99 USD for 1 pill
Mar 26, 2018

Didn't he already make one in the last arc? That was his bid at the auction. Which he should still even have it.

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