This writing is getting godawful... he keeps ending up in bad situations for no real reason.
The girl threw him on someone catching a thief, so he's blamed for it and his ring containing his master is stolen. Then they just walk off and he can't do anything.
After he passed the test, the girl accused him of helping the thief get freed, even though that's questionable and she's already a thief (but no one ever points that out). So then he has to be the one to go obtain the stolen item.
His master gets air-sickness so he can't properly make the dan/pill, then 3 guys randomly burst into his room and steal his stuff.
His master deals with them, but he's ineffectual and has to go to sleep or something, which enables their master, who was presumably sitting like 10 feet away, to burst in and easily defeat protag.
This story was quite enjoyable, what is this filler-tier crap?