I'm honestly concerned for this manga. This is way less interesting for me than it's supposed to be. Like, close to late Bleach chapters.
The quality is great, but what's happening is really just not that interesting, I feel.
@Frozeneye I feel ya man, I think this is because we have all these established characters and last bosses (not few btw) and we want to see them and see what they're doing (and not counting the demons and hell and Gods) but then naaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh let's throw a bunch of random enemies with random powers to get in the way! they never appeared before and is hard to care for them because once they're defeated nothing happens, the team just keep moving forward... At least the dragon guy works to power up Arthur but the 3 previous to that? they're shit! anyway what I meant to say is that with all the stuff going on for so long, an important fight like the one with Shinra feels like is taking too long... And indeed if it doesn't end next chapter it's gonna be awkward.
This fight is so long, and @Serenata you are right and this point Burns fight is pointlessly long. They could've centred in Arthur's fight instead of this one.
I still think Burns reasoning is so fucking stupid.
Yeah, the random enemies are a bit too random at this point. I haven't even started to care for the last ones and there are already new ones getting introduced.
The thing with Dragon is that his introduction is a great idea to advance Arthurs character, but at the same time it still feels pretty weird to me that Arthur only seems to be able to get stronger by being more delusional. Like, Arthur only seems to have that one dimension of 'delusion = power' and there really never was much more to his character. I'd like to see him grow beyond that gimmick.
The current main fight doesn't even really interest me anymore at this point.
@LeannaCR, I feel like they will. That's the reason why Burns keeps saying that Shinra needs to prove to him how strong his conviction to be a hero is. (part of me wants him to be killed by Shinra's brother as a plot twist before he gets to start the 'you're worthy' speech)
Man ... Why don't you soon put the protagonist to lose this fight? It's about 5 chapters kicking and saying it will beat the guy, and the captain just keeps getting stronger and with no sign of losing.